chapter 7

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 "Fostering a baby with your woman and suddenly being told you're having a baby with your ex? Sounds familiar!", Maggie drunkenly judged the situation, accidentally and unintentionally being super insensitive due to the alcohol in her system.

Suddenly, everyone stared at her in shock. So she simply shrugged, mumbled an apology and took another sip of her wine. Alex sank down into his chair, defeated by what he had just heard. Jo didn't know what to say.

"You should do a paternity test as soon as possible, I guess.", Andrew suggested kindly, trying to be helpful.

"Well, what's the worth of that? Izzie had cancer back then, that's why I promised to freeze my sperm for her. She probably isn't lying right now.", the peds surgeon sighed.

"Maybe she is...", Jo hoped.

"She wouldn't lie about that.", Teddy interfered, having been in that position herself not long ago. "She didn't know what was going on in your life and that is the reason why she thought it was the right thing to tell you that you are going to be a father."

"Is she allowed to use the sperm you chose to freeze years ago to get to have a baby without your permission and then call you the dad?", Link wondered, not quite believing what was happening to his best friend, just as she found happiness again.

"No, it's not.", Carina answered his question. "She did nothing wrong by finally using your sperm, but can't call you the father just like that, although you are...biologically seen."

"Well, can you somehow prove that you two didn't talk about it more recently? Otherwise you probably have no chance to get out of this just like that.", Amelia added.

"Let me call Cristina. Maybe she remembers something helpful, that we don't.", Meredith decided and immediately searched for her sister's number in her phone.

"Hey, Mer!", the brunette happily answered.

"Hi Cristina, great to catch you! We're having a dinner party and kind of a problem.", the general surgeon explained.

"Is Owen there? And baby Shep? And Teddy? Are the three of them getting along?", Cristina asked, curiously.

"What did you tell her about us?", Owen sharply whispered to Meredith.

"Not that much.", she replied.

"Everything.", her best friend corrected nonchalantly, having heard them.

"Anyway...", Amelia sang uncomfortably. "Back to the topic!"

"Oh, no worries Amelia, I also know everything else. It's not just you and my two exes!", Cristina chuckled.

"Huh?", Tom wondered now. "Altman is into chicks too?"

"Ex-husband and ex-mentor.", the cardio surgeon made clear.

"As Amelia said, back to the topic!", Jo rushed. "Izzie is pregnant with Alex' frozen sperm.", she sighed, sadly.

"That is so not possible!", Cristina denied and started laughing. "Evil Spawn, have you forgotten how you asked me to get every dose of your weirdo sperm and the way we destroyed it together? Disgusting but worth it."

"Oh my God!", her friend remembered. "You are right! Cristina Yang, you might have saved my marriage.", he said.

"Way to be over dramatic...", his wife shook her head, giggling in relieve.

"You're welcome, hairball!", the brunette told the young general surgeon. "Bye guys, gotta go back to work now!"

"Bye!", the group of friends answered.

"Well...the legendary Dr. Cristina Yang really is an interesting woman, indeed.", Tom shared.

"She is the best intern I ever had.", Teddy agreed.

"This is pretty much at once.", Link meddled into the conversation, still trying to understand what happened during the past ten minutes. "This Izzie writes you a message, causing all of us to go crazy, because you forget what happened to the frozen sperm. And-"

"Cristina and I were extremely drunk that day, since my wife had left me!", Alex defended himself. "She said I would never be good enough for anyone."

"Okay, that truly is rude.", Carina nodded. "But Dr. Lincoln is right with wondering about what she thought would happen after lying to you and saying you were going to be her baby's father."

"Money of course!", Maggie shrugged.

"No, say what you want about Izzie Stevens, but she had a good heart and wouldn't even know what to do with a two million dollar check instead of donating the cash.", Meredith taught.

"Maybe she misses you?", Amelia wondered, automatically glancing at Owen and into his beautiful baby blue eyes, because somehow he was staring at her too. She soon snapped out of it and looked elsewhere.

"Well, it's been years.", Andrew argued.

"Who knows, gladly everything got solved.", Teddy smiled, contained. "Meredith, I will help you get the next gear, alright?"

"This time I am helping, too!", Carina decided.

"Maggie, do you need a break?", Amelia asked.

"No, why would I...without a KitKat?", her sister wondered, giggling over her own stupid joke, which was referring to the popular chocolate bar's advertisement.

"That was horrible.", Link laughed.

"At least she is having fun.", Jo chuckled.

"Third gear!", Meredith announced, coming back into the eating room.

"Self-made lasagna!", Teddy presented the food as all three women put one lasagna each onto the table. Before everyone could begin with eating, a phone started ringing.

"Owen, yours again!", Atticus challenged, winking at him mischievously, still a little jealous.

"Hey, mom!", the redhead immediately killed the hopes of his friends. There was no new tea to spill after Jerry had told all of them about the house.

"Owen, how are you, dear?", Evelyn wanted to know.

"Good, I guess. We are having a dinner party at the moment, you know, at Meredith's.", her son explained.

"Oh, so Amelia is there too, right?", the older woman wondered.

"She is...", Owen told his mother, confused about why she'd care.

"Pass the phone!", Evelyn ordered strictly.

"Hello?", the neurosurgeon nervously greeted her ex-mother-in-law.

"Amelia, dear, great to hear your voice. I heard you are pregnant? Congrats!", the mother of two kindly chatted.

"Thank you, Evelyn.", Amelia smiled.

"I just wanted to tell you, although Owen is with Teddy now, feel free to call me whenever you wanna build another boat.", Evelyn offered the brunette.

"That is really nice of you, thank you so much!", her ex-daughter-in-law gratefully accepted. She didn't feel like being the one to break the news about the freshly separated couple to her.

"Bye, mom!", Owen ended the call, not in the mood to share his new break-up with his mother already.

"You know you can always call my mother too, right?", Link reminded his girlfriend.

"Will you ever fucking let her do what she wants?", Owen angrily interfered. "If Amelia wants to call my mother, she will!", he grumbled.

"This does not concern you!", Atticus stood up, eying the trauma surgeon furiously.

"It does, because she is the love of my life!", the redhead barked back, hitting the table with his fist.

"Fuck!", Teddy groaned, also getting drunker by the minute, when her display lit up during the guys' absolutely manly playoff.

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