chapter 4

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 "Oh shit.", Link cursed under his breath not hearable for anyone, until he realized that if it was who he had been hiding the whole time, the person's name would be readable right now, since he had saved that number in his phone. "Hello?", he answered.

"Speaker!", Amelia demanded, kind of uneasy with the fact that her boyfriend could have some secrets, like basically everyone else at this table, including herself.

"On it!", the blonde replied, relaxed. It was just Nico.

"Hey, bro!", his friend said, definitely very drunk. "Can I ask your for help with Levi?", he wondered, really hard to understand. Amelia sighed in relief, while Owen huffed. He would never admit that he was still jealous of the couple having a baby together. He felt somehow happy for his ex-wife, she deserved a healthy baby, but something in him wished it was his.

"Yeah, sure...what happened?", Link wanted to know, chuckling at Nico's drunken behavior.

"Actually...", he mumbled, deep in thought. "I wanna talk to Dr. Shepherd. Please give her the phone."

"Sure thing, buddy!", the ortho attending laughed.

"Hello? Why would you want to talk to me?", his girlfriend took over the call.

"Because you are pregnant. And I want get Levi pregnant too.", Nico explained as the whole table erupted into laughter. "Tell them it's not funny! Everyone should be able to produce babies."

"Uhhh, I guess this matter truly is a little more complicated than you originally expected it to be.", Amelia giggled, trying really hard not to.

"But you got pregnant, too.", the male brunette whined. "Imagine a tiny human, looking like a mix between my husband and me!"

"Husband?!", Link repeated the word his friend used. "When did you two get married?"

" are right. My bad.", Nico chuckled drunkenly.

"Nico, how about you sleep the alcohol off, huh? Where is Levi?", the blonde asked. "And why exactly are you calling me with a number I haven't saved in my phone?"

"Too many questions at once, I am having a headache already!", his friend complained. "It's Levi's.", he replied. "Amelia, thank you for talking to me, I still have no idea how to get my boyfriend pregnant, but it's nice to know someone would have taken the time to figure it out with me. Bye!"

"Oh my God...", Carina commented the call, already giggling and making everyone laugh again.

"He's right though. It is sad to know that there won't ever be a tiny human looking like a mix between him and Schmitt.", Maggie grinned.

"Time for me to get some food upstairs.", Meredith decided and stood up once again.

"Let me help you.", Teddy smiled and got up, together with her friend. They prepared a big plate with some cut pesto chicken for the kids and added a few extra snacks for them from the first and the final gear. When they arrived upstairs and opened the door, Leo immediately started crying as soon as he didn't recognize the face he had been hoping to see. "Come on, Leo. I think it's time to let her know.", the blonde whispered into the toddler's ear and sighed. She didn't want her stepson to be sad for not being able to call Amelia mommy and act like her son around her. "I will have to take this one downstairs with us.", she informed Meredith.

"Sure!", the general surgeon smiled.

"Mommy!", Leo happily shouted, when they arrived back in the eating room.

"No need to yell into your mother's ear, little man.", Alex chuckled softly.

"He isn't.", Teddy disagreed.

"What do you mean?", Meredith asked, confused at her friend's words.

"I am not his mama and definitely not the person Leo was talking to.", the cardio surgeon admitted and looked at Amelia, who stared at her and the boy in surprise. "I should have told you sooner, I am very sorry.", Teddy apologized, feeling bad for both, Amelia and herself.

"Leo is calling Amelia mommy and you didn't tell me?", Owen meddled, as shocked as everyone else.

"Mommy!", the toddler whined and started to squirm, because his mother didn't move to get him. Tuddle Weo!", he ordered sweetly and reached out his chubby arms.

"Thank you!", the brunette said. She was so relieved to have her tiny boy back and gratefully beamed at her friend.

"You are not angry at me?", Teddy wondered. She had been lying to her the whole time.

"No. I didn't adopt him back then with Owen and when the two of you got back together, I believed it was right for you to be his mother figure. I didn't know that he still wanted me to be his mama, that he is able to understand it.", Amelia smiled with tears in her eyes and finally got up to get her son.

"Weo woves you!", Leo grinned and gave his mom a slobbery toddler kiss right onto her mouth.

"Mama loves you too, angel.", the neurosurgeon smiled and cuddled her baby. She had never been able to be someone's mother before.

"You are not supposed to carry such heavy weight right now.", Carina reminded her patient.

"I know, but I can't resist these chubby cheeks.", Amelia beamed and kissed Leo's head multiple times. "Thank you, Teddy! Seriously. I couldn't be more grateful if I wanted to."

"And here I thought some drama was coming our way.", Tom joked, making everyone chuckle.

"Are you going to adopt him with me then?", Owen wondered, grinning at his ex-wife, confusing her boyfriend.

"You're on the paper, she will be on the paper. There is no 'with me'!", Link jealously remarked.

"Kids, calm down!", Maggie giggled, drinking her third glass of wine by now.

"Is there a problem that needs to be discussed?", Andrew wanted to know, a little bit annoyed by how his two colleagues were provoking each other the whole time, although he was able to guess the reason but decided to keep it to himself.

"He is right! The only drama that could have started by now is between Amelia and me. We solved it like adults. She is Leo's rightful mother and probably adopting him soon and I am his step-mama. No need for the both of you to fight each other!", Teddy agreed, while Amelia nodded and sat back down with her son.

"The food is getting colder by the second!", Jo reminded her friends, who went back to eating their dinner and doing smalltalk. Leo was sharing his mom's food with her. Alex and Jo sweetly shared theirs with each other too, feeding one another. So did Link and Amelia, looking like the toddler's parents even to Owen, although he knew better, which made him more furious. The sound of his ringing phone interrupted his thoughts.

"That's mine.", the redhead sighed, hoping it was nobody important and putting it on speaker without reading the name.

"Hey, bud!", a guy greeted him, causing the trauma surgeon to snap out of his relaxed state and widely open his eyes, which didn't go unnoticed by his girlfriend.

"Hey Jerry, you know, now is not a good time.", he tried to avoid any hidden information to be exposed.

"Sorry! I'll be quick.", Jerry promised and continued speaking, accidentally ignoring Owen's attempts to stop him. "I have finally been able to fully move into the house today and found a photo you must have forgotten to throw away or take with you, who knows. I mean I know she's your ex and that is why you are keeping it a secret that I am frequently living here, so this beautiful mansion won't get bought by any unknown person, but you two looked truly happy. No wonder you decided to get this extremely pretty house for the two of you to live in and didn't sell it like you told your new girlfriend. Anyway, what shall I do with the wedding picture?"


Oops. Sorry, I pranked you about Link's secret. The time will come during another chapter. Owen just got exposed. How will everyone react?

Let's wait for the next chapter. :D

PS: My poor German main fanfic is already feeling so ignored. I mean, four freaking chapters of one story in a week? I have no idea how this happened lol.

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