chapter 12

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 "Alright, the baby is asleep.", Amelia announced as she came back into the bigger part of the hotel room, where her boyfriend was already relaxing in bed. She took a moment to take the whole room in and honestly, it didn't feel like a family lived in here at all. There was nothing soothing around.

"He must be so so happy, now that his real mother is with him again.", Owen smiled with his eyes closed. "I can't wait to see you care for our newborn soon.", he added, finally sitting up and beaming at his girlfriend.

"Owen, what about Allison? Won't you miss her like hell?", the brunette dared to ask, since she didn't want to keep him from his daughter. "Maybe this...", she pointed between the both of them. "Maybe we rushed it again."

"What do you mean?", the trauma surgeon wondered softly. "We used to rush things, but long overdue.", he said.

"I want to be with you, I do. But getting together after a fresh break-up each hasn't at all been handled carefully.", Amelia explained, sighing sadly. "I think you should go to Germany with Teddy and Leo. We will figure something out."

"Are you kidding me?", Owen asked in shock. "Allison exists because of the last time you said I should go to Germany. I do not regret her, don't get me wrong. But how can you try to set me free once more? I thought you wanted this!"

"I do want this! It's will miss her so much when she is gone, that it will probably cause us to fight again and we will split once more, hurting Leo in the process. I don't want to be the person who causes my son pain.", the neurosurgeon told her boyfriend.

"Do you think I want that? There is no reason for you to be scared. I broke up with Teddy for you! And you chose me over Link, so let us be together for good, Amelia. I am not losing my daughter, I am simply not taking her away from her mother.", the redhead replied.

When he saw her worried face, he stood up from the bed and took the few steps into her direction, before he could feel her breath. Their eyes met during the silence and Owen gently held his girlfriend's chin with his pointer finger and thumb.

"So, will you give us a chance again?", he whispered.

"Yeah.", Amelia beamed at him. "So, will you finally kiss me again?", she challenged her boyfriend, who chuckled.

"I'm sorry! I have literally no game.", the trauma surgeon answered, biting his bottom lip.

"Well then, I believe I am going to kiss you now.", the brunette sheepishly announced and started kissing Owen sweetly, which soon turned into a very passionate kiss. Unfortunately, Leo had different plans.

He loudly screamed from his crib in the other room and cried his eyes out. Amelia immediately broke the kiss and went to get her son, who was staring at her with his teary brown eyes and reached his arms up to be held.

"Hey, sweet boy!", the neurosurgeon cooed softly, rocking the toddler and cuddling him close to her chest. Leo grabbed two handfuls of her sweater and rested his tiny head on his mother's shoulder.

"Way to destroy mommy's and daddy's plans of a beautiful evening, baby.", Owen pouted as he came into the room, too. He gave his son a gentle kiss on the cheek and stroked his back to calm him some more.

Back at Meredith's house, Tom and Carina were the only ones left. The three of them had decided on opening another wine bottle, when the gynecologist suddenly noticed that her brother had been gone for a while now.

"Where's Andrea?", she wondered in confusion, glancing at the stares, in case he decided to finally come back.

"I don't know.", Meredith shrugged. "Maybe he is trying to piss me off, since I am dating Cormac."

"Wait, Pierce and DeLuca?!", Tom chuckled. "I believe a lot of things Grey, but this? It's even more weird than Shepherd always choosing the ginger over everyone."

"Oh Tom, don't act like that!", Carina giggled. "The way you defended Amelia today in any situation has been extremely sweet. You may be a very mischievous and funny man and sarcasm might be your favorite ability, but you can't deny how much you love taking care of her."

"She is right. You impressed me today, Koracick.", the general surgeon winked.

"I mean, teasing Shepherd is fun, but only as long as I am the one doing it. She is a very strong woman, but deserves some backup, too. Especially since I know how much losing a son hurts. Using that against her was the most unfair thing someone has ever done in front of my eyes.", Tom shrugged.

"You don't have to explain yourself. Amelia must be so happy to have you as a friend.", the brunette smiled.

"Well, I have also different qualities.", the neurosurgeon smirked suggestively.

"Oh, shut up!", Meredith warned in annoyance. "You lost your game around women as soon as you fell for Teddy. And we all know you still have feelings for her. So get your ass back in the game, stand up and go upstairs to see if she is still awake and needs help with the baby."

"Do you sisters have a thing of playing match maker? Amelia did it once with Delucs and Bello and now you're-", Koracick tried to change the topic.

"Upstairs, NOW!", the blonde ordered impatiently, not leaving room for any questions. Tom reluctantly did what he was told and nervously walked up the stairs, before he softly knocked on Teddy's door, was invited in and looked into his favorite blonde's face, which was currently showing him a beautiful smile.

"It's kind of a pity.", Carina chuckled.

"What is?", Meredith wondered.

"That I didn't try to join the fight and get Amelia for myself.", the gynecologist revealed with a giggle.

"So, you are into her?!", her drinking buddy asked in disbelief.

"I mean, have you seen her?", Carina grinned. "But I believe that she does belong with Owen. Andrew is right, nobody has the power to keep them apart for long and seeing them so happy again really made my evening."

"You are right! These two are a mess. But truly a pretty cute one.", the blonde agreed. "Do you want to stay overnight? I can offer you the couch if you want."

"Yes, thank you so much.", the brunette gratefully smiled. "Good night."

"Good night.", Meredith said.


This was the final chapter, guys! Thank you all SO much for being so supportive, I had a lot of fun writing this story. It actually became much longer than planned, but I am happy I decided to take the time and write it the way it is. I never finished a multi-chapter fic before, no matter if it's been German or English, so this kind of makes me proud, too. :D

See you soon with a new chapter of something else, hopefully! :)

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