Chapter 9: Weird

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Carson Vos ( POV)

" Can we hang out after school?" Daniel asks me as He, Samuel, Indigo and I eat lunch at our normal table. I nod and look at Indigo.

" You can come over too, you've already been there once." Samuel chokes on his drink and Daniel coughs dramatically, looking at me. 

" My dad invited the Wilsons over for dinner last weekend." They look relieved and Samuel dramatically sighs.

" Good, or else I wouldn't have come over today to sit on a bed you two-" Indigo puts her hand over Samuels mouth to stop him from continuing. Daniel lets out a laugh. Indigo's eyes meet mine and she looks down. Since yesterday, she's been acting weird around me, and I don't like it. 

" Alright, what's up, Wilson?" She looks back at me, removing her hand from Samuels face. I cross my arms over my chest and raise a brow. 

" Nothing?" She says in a snappy tone and I lean across the table, looking her in the eyes. She repeats my actions and we are face to face.

" I'll ask you again, what's up, Wilson?" I spit and she laughs and grabs my shirt collar, pulling my head down so she can talk into my ear. 

" I said nothing, Vos, so shut up and eat your damn lunch." She releases my shirt collar and I sigh, bringing my hand up to the side of her face and pushing her head to the side, leaning down to her ear. 

" This isn't over, Wilson."


" I dare you to lick Carson's foot." Daniel says the stupidest dare ever and Indigos brown eyes widen.

" Take it off." She points to my sock and sits in front of me. I hesitantly take off my black sock and set it by me. She slowly leans down and licks the front of my foot, looking at me. 

" Jesus Christ." She mutters and sits back in her seat. Daniel clutched his stomach as he laughs and Samuel leans on him as he laughs equally. 

" Carson, truth or dare?" She asks me and I groan.

" Dare, I guess." She grins and stands up. 

" I dare you to let Samuel look through your phone for 5 minutes." My face pales and I hesitated before pulling my phone out of my pocket, placing it in Sams hands. A wicked grin appears as he unlocks my phone. 

" How did you do that?" I ask him, creeped out. He looks at me like I'm dumb, raising his eyebrows.

" 1234?" Indigo lets out a laugh and I slump back against my bed. He scrolls through my phone and he looks up at me.

" Let's see how Mr.Vos here talks to Reyna Price?" My eyes widen and I shake my head quickly but he ignores me. His eyes immediately meet mine after he opens the messages. 

" Noah's in the hospital again?" I nod and he looks at Indigo, looking back at me. I nod slowly at him and he sighs.

" Alex knows?" I nod again. He continues to search my phone and he laughs, turning my phone to everyone, displaying a mirror picture of me shirtless with a towel hung loosely on my hips. I quickly snatch my phone out of his hands and he pouts like a child. When I look over at Indigo, her cheeks are bright red. 

"You like that?" I ask her and she glares at me before covering her face with her hands. I let out a deep chuckle and set my phone down. crossing my arms in my lap. 

" It's getting late, Will one of you drop me home?" I raise my hand quickly and she rolls her eyes, standing up and bending down to grab her bag.

" Let's go then." She says and I can't help but look as her plaid skirt rises. She turns around and looks at me.

" Were you looking at my ass?" She gasps and I stand up.

" Maybe." She scoffs and walks out of my room.

I definitely was looking.



Woooah, they have some tension going on! Let me know what you think🤭

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