Moments of Hana being a noona to Jungkook

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Traveling in the airport:

As everyone knows it isn't abnormal for idols or idol groups to get mobbed or crowded by fans or paparazzi at the airport. But for BTS it sometimes could be overwhelming.

All of the elder members had already exited the vans and managed to enter the airport. The two youngest members of the group were a bit behind the other 6 members and were getting held up every so often because of how crowded it was getting.

Hana walked swiftly but soon enough her gut feeling felt off. She turned around and realized Jungkook was no where to be seen, till she realized that there was a crowd of girls and cameras all surrounding something.

She runs back ignoring her security guard that told her to stay near him. Hana is then running on her own and the security guard loses sight of her. Hana slithers her way through the crowd to find Jungkook in the center of the huge crowd of people being grabbed at and with cameras all in his face. Hana grabs a hold of him with a strong grip and pulls him with her sprinting back to their security guard.

She removes her mask so it's resting on her chin. "Hold onto me and don't let go okay? I got you don't worry." Hana grabs a hold of Jungkook's hand and and squeezes it reassuring him that she won't let anyone hurt him. Jungkook nods quickly looking at Hana with full trust. He was a bit shaken up. Who wouldn't though? Being grabbed at in a mob of people with cameras all in your personal space, and no one refusing to back up.

Hana held onto Jungkook's hand leading him through the airport being very smart, diligent, and quick on where she chooses to walk. Keeping in mind the safety of the youngest member.

Before they could reach the escalator that would lead to their departure to their private jet a sasaeng links her harms with Jungkook and continues to walk with Jungkook causing him to let go of Hana's hand. Hana looks behind her to see what was going on.

"Excuse me can you please let go of him?" Hana asks nicely in hopes that the sasaeng would comply, but to no avail she refuses to let go. She tries to walk backwards with Jungkook linked to her. Causing both of them to stumble and fall onto to the ground.

Hana helps Jungkook up off the ground grabbing a hold of his hand again. Until Hana was shoved by the woman who tried to take Jungkook, she looks over her shoulder to see the sasaeng about to swing at her from the back. Hana's defensive instincts built from taekwondo kick in and she swiftly dodges it by ducking and shifting. The sasaeng falls once more.

Taking advantage of the moment Hana takes a hold of the maknae's hand and makes it to the escalator full sprint.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt? Do you have a bruise on your knee?" Hana fixes his bangs looking frantically at him with nothing but concern in her voice.

"I'm okay noona, what the real question is are you okay?" He takes hold of her wrists to stop her from checking on him since he wasn't hurt.

"I'm fine I'm just glad you're okay." She sighs out of relief. The door opens and they exit making their way out of the airport finally after what seemed like forever.

The two younger members make it on their jet.

"YAH YOU TWO WHERE WERE YOU GUYS?! YOU HAD US WORRIED SICK!" Jin exclaims scolding both Hana and Jungkook. Jimin gets up and touches Jin's shoulder to calm him down from yelling at their two maknaes any further.

"Sejin almost sent our whole body of guards after you guys because you took so long. We were worried something bad happened, or something held you guys up." Namjoon speaks up from his seat brushing his hair back out of stress and also relief at the sight of their younger members.

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