49. Interest

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- Sexual scenes.
- Smut.


Later on Saturday evening once Brendon made it to Tyler and Josh's house, he and Josh took Jim on a walk while Tyler stayed home to make dinner. It's nice. Something he thinks both of them needed. They head over to the park with Jim's tail wagging and Brendon's body trembling from the weather, a swelling in their hearts despite that.

"Thank you for coming with us to lunch," Josh mentions eventually.

Brendon gives him a careful smile, hand slowly moving to hold his. He's cold, and that adds to it, yet he mostly just wants to be as close to Josh as possible. "Of course." He gets out. "It was important."

Josh nods. "Yeah, it was." He agrees. "And not to sound sappy, but I'm proud of you. I know that was difficult for you to do."

Brendon's throat tightens a little bit at the thought, biting his lip. "I'm. . . I'm glad I did it." Whether or not Josh realizes it, these situations are helping him grow. Brendon would have never done that last year-- expose such a vulnerable part of himself even if it reaped benefits. "It scares me to do things when I don't know what's gonna happen. But. . . I like the thought of getting to know your family. It makes it feel more, like, real."

"Makes what feel more real?" Josh wonders, smiling. "Our relationship?" He nudges Brendon's side.

His face goes hot, shoulders shrugging. "Yeah. Our relationship."

Josh hums. "I like it too." He comments. "Having you meet my family makes me happy; it reminds me of when I introduced them to Tyler." Josh looks forward again, watching the way Jim practically trots opposed to walking. "Getting to show the people I love most the people I care about most is a good feeling."

Brendon is beaming when hearing that.

Being important is something new for him. Well, he's important to Carina, and he has been for a long time-- it's different, though, when it's romantic. Brendon holds hands with Josh, kisses Josh, cuddles Josh at night, thinks about him in the shower, imagines it's his hand when he jacks himself off. . .

Yeah, it's different.

"You'll have to meet the rest of my family soon." Josh brings up.

Brendon nods, hand tightening around his. "That sounds good." He says. "I might need to. . . Medicate myself next time, though."

The anxiety he had around Abby was almost too much. He can't even imagine what it would be like in front of the rest of Josh's family. Especially his parents. They are the most important people to Josh and Tyler, and the last thing Brendon wants is to make a bad impression on them.

"Whatever you need to do, baby." Josh grins.

Brendon is giddy from that. He can't deny it.

He and Josh fall into a casual conversation the rest of the walk to the park, and by the time they make it there, they sit down on a bench and give Jim water. The birds that fly over them and the children having fun at the playground is calming, safe. So is Josh's hand in Brendon's. After a moment too, Josh is curling into his side, hair tickling Brendon's chin, but he can't seem to care. Not at all.

"This is nice." Josh whispers.

"Any moment I get to spend with you is nice." Brendon comments, easily. It's becoming natural for him to express these types of things.

Josh let's out a chuckle. "You've become such a sap once you got comfortable with Tyler and I."

Brendon bites his lip. Happy. God, he's so happy. "Can you blame me?"

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