37. Impotent

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Brendon slept in this morning, and probably would have continued to if it wasn't for Jim whimpering in his ear and pawing at his side to grab his attention. He tried to ignore it for a while, but it didn't stop. If anything, Jim's small noises got louder and louder the closer Brendon was to falling asleep again.

Finally, he rolls over, groaning. "What is it, bud." He croaks out, eyes barely opening.

Jim only whimpers again.

Brendon sighs, turning back around and checking his phone for the time. It's nearly eleven, which should be shocking, but it's not. He has the tendency to sleep in on the weekends. He's just exhausted, and really if he could, he would sleep for as long as it was possible.

For now though, he has a responsibility.

"Food?" He wonders quietly, and Jim's ears perk up.

Brendon nods. He carefully throws the blankets over himself and gets out of bed, legs a bit wobbly while walking. Jim follows right after him out of the room and downstairs, where Brendon once again pours one cup of food into his bowl and watches him with a small smile as he eats in a messy manner.

It's too cute.

Still, Brendon isn't very hungry. Maybe he's lost his appetite recently, or maybe it's a subconscious decision. He doesn't know.

Nonetheless, there's this urge in the back of his head to please Tyler. Hopefully finish everything they made for him before they come home in the next couple of days, so he heats up one of the breakfast burritos in the microwave. Only one, because that will be enough.

In all honesty, it will probably be too much for him, really.

Brendon sits in the same seat at the table, taking reasonably small bites of his food. Sunlight fills up the entire room, and it's usually comforting, but when Tyler and Josh are gone it just feels wrong.

He misses the noises of Tyler cooking at the stove, and he misses the way Josh would watch them; sometimes having a conversation with them, other times simply enjoying the view.

It must be nice waking up to one another every day.

Out of all things he craves from a relationship so intimate is exactly that. The act of turning over in bed and seeing them, knowing they're yours and you're theirs. The solace in that, the love. It's something Brendon doesn't fully grasp and is not exactly sure he ever will. He has faith that Tyler and Josh might be those people for him, the people he can wake up to in the morning and feel like he finally belongs. He has faith they will be the people he can make breakfast with daily and do simple things like talking with their shirts off and cook bacon while touching each other's waists.

God, Brendon misses the both of them so much.

He sighs.

At the thought, he slips his phone out and clicks on Josh's contact.

He would text Tyler instead, but again, he knows they need time to themself right now, and Josh will most likely mention something about them as usual. He always does.

Good morning. I miss you.

Brendon's desperate.

He takes another small bite of his burrito and glances down at Jim, watching the way he crouches low to eat, yet pulls back to chew when he has a lot of food in his mouth.

After a moment, his phone vibrates, and Brendon is quick to look at it.

Good morning, hottie.

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