Twenty Five

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The night of the Party...
Part One


"You sure you doing good ma? I ain't got no issue pulling up on you." Ant held the phone to his ear as he placed one of his Gucci shirts to his chest looking in his full length mirror. He was in the process of getting dressed for the party tonight.

"Yesss mijo, promise." She giggled knowing he was so serious about pulling up. She always found it cute how even as a young boy he always acted as her protector. "You always worry so much, you're going to have wrinkles before me." She teased.

"Black don't crack ma. I ain't full Latino aight?" He joked making her laugh also. "Check yo mailbox though, I had Bruce drop you off some spending money. Pay ya bills ahead or something or you can just do something nice for you for once." Ant smiled hearing the excitement in her voice.

"Thank you baby as always. You're so sweet after all my wrong. I'll be sure to think about the session, I promise. I love you son." Since Sugar had left he had been doing alot more pull-ups on his mom just to spend more time together. He had returned back to therapy and felt like it really had been working. He had even thought about convincing his mother to join a session, since she was the root of his issues he'd had.

"I appreciate that. I love you too mama, always."

"Be safe tonight Antman. I pray for you."

"Always. Plus, all those Virgin Mary's you got, trust me I know I'm covered." He laughed. "Talk to you soon ma."

And with that the two hung up the phone. Ant tossed his shirt onto his bed deciding he wasn't pleased with his choice. He wasn't really feeling tonight since he found out it was really more an house party instead of at a club. Ant thought he could just sit at the bar and not be bothered. Word was Stacks rented out some fancy ass crib and they had to wait until they got the message with the location. This nigga was too secretive for Ant's liking but he felt like he needed to have at least one night out to celebrate Bruce's come up.

Anthony decided to go with something simple. He didn't want too much attention on himself. He knew it was gone be a bunch of dealers there and all the hoes. He didn't want to be a flashy ass nigga cause that's how you got your pockets ran. Plus Anthony was the type who liked to stay lowkey and just watch his environment. He felt being taught the game by older men he moved alot different then these new niggas. He did shit the right way. Ant wore his red and black Lacrosse sweater with some black Levis and his Bred 11s.

Anthony's phone started to go off seeing it was Bruce calling. It was little past ten o'clock already and Bruce had told him be to ready at nine so they can trail one another. "Nigga I'm outside, what the fuck you waiting on?" Bruce asked.

"Chill out. I just finished getting ready, I got us a blunt too for tonight too. I'm finna come out."

"Mmcht, that's that light skinned shit. Niggas take just as long as these bitches. I got the bottle."

"Nigga fuck you." Ant laughed hanging up in his face. Placing his blunt in his ear he sprayed himself with his cologne looking over his outfit one more time. This shit better go smooth, Ant thought to himself. Kissing his Virgin Mary cross he wore around his neck that his mother gave him Ant left out to celebrate.

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