Thirty One

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Anthony stood outside his doorway looking back once more as he took a deep breath stepping off the last step. He had faith that he was protected at all times but also he knew that anything could happen to him at any given moment. He didn't want to scare Sugar but he needed her to stay on her toes incase anything did happen. He had to see the reality of the situation but he was most definitely prepared. He didn't like to consider himself a killer but he didn't mind getting his hands dirty. Especially when it was personal... he could be ruthless.

Anthony had gotten two messages earlier once Sugar had prepped dinner. One was from the rehab driver with her mom letting him know that they had arrived and the other was to let him know it was finally time to make his move. He'd been dreaming of this moment for the last two weeks. He wanted so badly to kill Amir where he stood when he'd finally got face to face with him but Ant was smart enough to know that'll only get him caught up. The longer you waited the less they expected you and that was his plan. He knew Amir thought he'd gotten away once again but Ant had other plans up his sleeve.

Hopping into his truck he went to a dealership where he'd knew the owner and picked up a rental especially for him while he left his truck behind. He wouldn't be dare be caught dead in his own whip just incase Amir happened to remembered it from when he took Sugar. He wanted to make sure no red flags went off upon his arrival. He had gotten word on where Amir had been hiding out so he had been making frequent drive-by's to see how his security was set up. But as expected since he only dealt with woman there were none.

Driving to his old warehouse he took his duffle bag out the truck to change his clothing that he wore out. Going to his office he quickly undressed and threw on his new fit leaving his old belongings behind in his office closet. His warehouse was also where he kept some of straps and he needed to be sure he was armed. Amir might've had had pussy tendencies but Ant wouldn't dare be caught slipping if he was strapped. He didn't want to leave his home with all of his things and dressed as if he was robbing someone since Sugar had her family there so he decided to prep once he left.

Ant grabbed found himself two switch blades that he put in his front and back pocket. Also deciding upon his Glock & Ruger to do the job he placed them both his in front waist band. Figuring he could he have a little fun in the process  he also decided to grab duck tape and rope as well. Sugar had told him of a Ciara chick who tortured her while with Amir and it seemed to traumatize her most. When he had her describe him to him he automatically knew who she was. It made him sick to stomach to think of what they put her through. He thought of it every single day and they more he did the more he wanted blood. Ant prayed that he either found her as well or got Amir to cough up her whereabouts. Either way someone was paying.

Anthony pulled out his phone to make a call before he left out. "Same location?"

"Yeah, you know where to find me."

"Aight, bet." Anthony told the caller before disconnecting. Checking his duffle one more time to make sure he had all he needed he made his way out. It was finally time.

• • •

Anthony pulled up to a well known strip club the name of Exoctica when a young Latina girl with wide hips and ass had spotted him and began to make her way to his car. She was only 5feet even with big curls all over her head while her curvy frame was covered in her mink coat. Her six inch stiletto heels clicked the pavement with each step she took. Anthony seen her walking up and unlocked her car doors for her to hop in.

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