Central City

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Barrys POV*
Today is the day of the Particle Accelerator. I'm so hyped. Idk why. Iris says its my little nerdy dream but i dont agree. Anyways i got done analyzing the "collection" from the crime scene but iris says the "poop problem" anyways joe said i could finally go and me and iris ran out the door and to S.T.A.R labs. Once we got there me and iris were talking and it got awkward. Even though im gay and shes not i still love her like i used to but now its just changed alittle. I never came out to anyone. They only people that know are the people back in ohio. But the thing is i wasnt just in ohio. I actually went to Paris, France for 2 years because we had to go for school that was required. But iris and Joe just think i went to ohio. Anyways not even 5 minutes there, iris's computer got stolen and i went after it just to get hurt. We went back to CCPD and i got an ice pack and apparently Eddie Thawne got the bag for iris or as iris calls him "Detective Pretty Boy". I went up too my lab and Felicity called me. Felicity is an IT girl at Queen Consolidated. She basically works for Oliver Queen aka The Hood. Or as i call him "the green arrow". After my call with Felicity, i was working on something when the news reporter said that they are evaluating the buliding. And thats when it happened. A wave of of energy hit me and next thing i know im waking up in S.T.A.R labs after a nine month coma.

*1 year later*
*still Barry's POV*
One year ago i became the flash. The fastest man alive. And 5 mths ago i discovered that i liked Oliver Queen.
And one week ago he asked me out and now i have a secret boyfriend. And two days ago i moved in with him at a apartment building not that far from S.T.A.R labs. (Buliding is Iris and Barrys apartment) everything went by so fast. Until not an hour ago i received an invite to a Glee Reunion. Glee Reunion. I thought and well i didn't want to go but Oliver(the only person in this earth that knows) insists on that i go. So basically im going but i first im going to CCPD to you guessed it Work.

Normal POV*
Joe: hey barry
Barry: hey joe. I got those results you wanted
Iris: hey bare
Shaquera: hey twink. Never thought i would see you here. What happened you got arrested for stripping in the middle of the street? *say it loud*
*everyone stops what the are doing and pays attention*
Barry: Come on Shaquera you really think i would let everyone see this. I say that with a smirk.(In his mind: great one allen the place that you work at) I work here stupid.
Shaquera: *walks over too me and trys to throw her slushy at me but i duck* oh im not done with you Smythe.
Barry: it Barry Allen
Shaquera: whatever Smythe *attempts to punch me but i grab her hand and throw her to the ground*
*everyones month is literally on the ground*
Barry: all you got *bends to her length* you little weasel.
Joe: that is enough both of you!
Shaquera: i wasnt even done twirk
Joe: *grabs me and pushes me away* go to your apartment now
Shaquera: until next time bitch
Barry: there wont be a next time motherfucker *walks out*.
Iris: what. just. happened?
Joe: idk and you young lady are going to jail for assaulting an officer
Shaquera: *laughs* who in a million years whould think Sebastian Smythe would be an Officer?!?!
Iris: Sebastian Smythe?
Shaquera: yeah that bitch that just left
Joe: enough *handcuffs her*
*at barrys and Olivers apartment*
Oliver: *watching tv*
Barry: *walks in and slams the door*
Oliver: *jumps* easy there speedster
Barry: sorry.
Oliver: *gets up and walks to him* what happened to you?
Barry: Shaquera did
Oliver: oh that bitch
Barry: yup
Oliver: and i missed the fight!
Barry: *laughs* you did
Oliver: aww man
Barry: just kidding *hacks CCPD security* here you go
Oliver: dang you got here good and what is she saying that "you got arrested for stripping in the street"
Barry: i did back in high school
Oliver: dang
Barry: yeah it was a dare tho
*knock on the door*
Oliver: i will be in the room
Barry: ok *opens the door to see iris mad*
Iris: Bartholomew Henry Allen what was the meaning of that at CCPD!
Oliver: *in the room laughs*
Iris: and whos laughing
Oliver: *mumbling* aww shit
Iris: *walks over to the room and opens it to see the Oliver Queen*
Oliver: hello *he is laying on the bed watching TV*
Iris: Barry! Why is Mayor Queen in you apartment?
Barry: uh because
Oliver: visiting
Iris: sure you are now Barry explain now
Barry: fine. Me and Shaquera went to high school together back in ohio. And we were always on our necks
Iris: and what did she mean by "so you got arrested for stripping in the street again"
Barry:*fast* becauseididitinohioandgotarrested
Iris: *face is blank* you did!!!!
Barry: yeah
Oliver: how did she
Barry: i do it all the time
Oliver: makes sense
Iris: *leaves shocked*
Barry: well have a nice day *closes the door*
Oliver: oh barry you got yourself into a pickle
Barry: *walks toward him* i did? Didnt i?
Oliver: yes you did *pulls him onto the bed*
Barry: *cuddles with him* so Mr.Mayor what should we do
Oliver: well i have a meeting with the board in Star City in 3 hours
Barry: can i come???
Oliver: sure come on
*in the parking lot*
Oliver: hop on and hold on tight
Barry: i will *gets on and hugs oliver*.
Iris: *in the car away from them* omg! Is Barry dating Oliver?!?
*in star city*
Lance: hello Queen, Allen
Oliver: hey Lance
Thea: are we just calling each other by our last name
Barry: i guess Mrs.Queen *laughs*
Thea: *laughs with him* i guess so Mr.Allen
Oliver: can we stop that
Barry: fine
Lance: follow me
Oliver: dont get into trouble. Go to my office theres donuts there
Barry: donuts! *runs to the office*
Thea: wait up!!
Oliver: *laughs*
Lance: thats one good boyfriend you got there oliver
Oliver: *confused face* how did
Lance: i was a detective oliver
Oliver: dont tell anyone
Lance: i wont go to your meeting i will take care of the kids
Oliver: *laughs and walks away*
*with thea and barry*
Thea: Endgame?
Barry: heck yes
*they are at the part where tony says "i love you 3000"*
Barry: *tears up*
Thea: *hugs him and crys*
Oliver: hey- why is everybody crying
Barry: because tony said i love you 3000 to Morgan *tears run down his face*
Oliver: oh get up cry babies i have to return barry to the store
Thea: *laughs and gets up*
Barry: i wouldnt refer it as a store
Oliver: just come on
*at in Central City at there apartment*
Barry: best movie ever
Oliver: iron man 3?
Barry: hell yes!

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