Aliens Part 3

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Oliver: any updates *walks in the cortex*
Caitlin: Barrys Awake, and theres someone here for you
Oliver: huh?
Girl: Hi Mr.Queen uh how do i say this
Oliver: say what? *looks at her*
Girl: I'm your daughter
Oliver: Daughter? Whats your name?
Nat: My Names Natalie Jay
Oliver: as in Alexandra Jay?
Nat: yeah that was my mother
Oliver: what do you mean was your mother?
Nat: she died in a car accident and i was sent to come look for you and here im
Oliver: So your my daughter. Wow what else is new?
Caitlin: uh the avengers are coming back tomorrow to help us, Harry and Cisco are trying to bulid some something and Joe and Iris are looking for anything to help
Oliver: ok and Nat are you hungry?
Nat: yes
Oliver: lets go

*they leave*
*in the med bay*
Len: you scared me bare
Barry: sorry its just the guys wanted my money and i didnt want them to hurt William
Len: its ok but next time be careful
Barry: will do
William: Hi Dad, Pops *runs to barry and kisses his cheek*
Barry: hey will whats up?
William: i just meet my sister
Barry: sister?
William: yeah Papa found out he had a daughter named Natalie
Barry: Wow
William: yeah shes nice
Len: bet she is
William: can i play on your phone
Len: sure *hands it*
William: thanks *sits on the chair and plays games*
Barry: well *sits up*
Len: be careful you have some stitches
Barry: Stitches?
Len: yeah turns out you had a cut on your hip
Barry: wow i didnt know
Len: well get rest and im going to check if Cisco got anything *kisses his temple and walks out*

*with Oliver and Natalie*
Oliver: so uh how old are you?
Nat: 13
Oliver: ok
*felicity walks in and spots them*
Oliver: Felicity?!
Felicity: Omg! Thank god i found you
Oliver: i thought
Felicity: i died nope. Slade kiddnapped me
Oliver: *gets up and hugs her* i thought i lost you
Felicity: you will never lose me. Im your IT girl at that
Oliver: *laughs* i guess your right
Nat: uh Dad is that your girlfriend?
Felicity: Dad?
Oliver: *smiles* i just found out that i had a daughter and uh
Felicity: oohhh *looks at her* and yes im your dads girlfriend
Oliver: wait
Felicity: Oh ollie i know about the divorce and how you are broken but you know im here and i will always love you and be here
Oliver: thank you Felicity
Felicity: anytime now One Burger!
*they laugh and Felicity and Oliver sit together and Felicity leans on his shoulder*
Felicity: so uh
Nat: Natalie but call me Nat
Felicity: ok Nat do you like Superheros?
Nat: finally someone who gets me! And yes i love them

*they talk and laugh then they head to olivers apartment in Central City*
Felicity: *sits on the sofa*
Oliver: i did miss you Mrs.Smoak
Felicity: and i missed you Mr.Queen
*they kiss and have that*

The next morning~~~

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