Chapter #?

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It was a very interesting case but they made it through. Well that's what you might think but I dont know.. did they or didnt they?

Case #101
Judge: Director Bartholomew Henry Allen and Director Alex Danvers. Now what can I do for you today?
Alex: this man right here is getting accused of Murder when he didnt commit it
Judge: I see. Evidence!
Cop: heres the folder *hands him a vanilla folder*
Judge: thank you *opens it and reads* this.. this doesnt make any sense
Joe: what do you mean?
Judge: it says that the murder happened at 6:30AM but the call was made at 7:30PM.
Alex: may I?
Judge: yes *hands it to her*
Alex: He's not lying *shows the paper*
Joe: someone tried to frame barry
Barry: *sighs reliefly*
Judge: this case will not go forward and Mr.Allen is free *hits the thingy*
Barry: thank you
Judge: anytime

*back at S.T.A.R Labs*
Alex: it still doesnt make sense
Barry: I know I cant seem to put the picture together
*they are staring at the tv with the case on the screen*
Alex: if someone was really trying to frame you they werent doing a good job
Barry: they werent I mean look at the date. It says 4-30-2016, its 5-23-2020.
Alex: and the name. It says Barry Allen then it says Bartholomew Henry Allen. I mean I know that's your name but "Barry" is your nickname
Barry: this doesnt piece together *types on the computer*
Alex: I mean if your trying to frame someone at least make it believable not crappy
Barry: I agree. *types* Omg
Alex: what?
Barry: this wasnt for me
Alex: what do you mean?
Barry: *looks at her* it was meant for Central City Picture News
Alex: Why CCPN?
Barry: Because *pulls up an article in 2014* That Article was Made by Iris and she made her self a target. Now *sends the article next to the case* Iris has connections to the flash so when they tried to frame me
Alex: they tried to get iris's attention so she could contact the flash
Barry: Bingo
Alex: now that makes sense
Barry: well not exactly but we need to find the people trying to contact the flash
Alex: but if they were trying to get iris because of her connections why target you
Barry: because I'm her "brother" and if anythings happens to me
Alex: she wont have a choice and contract the flash
Barry: we need to stop these people
Alex: way ahead of you

*a few hours later*
Barry: you know the plan?
Cisco: pretty sure
Caitlin: god Hope's this works
Joe: it will now let's go
Barry: *speeds to put his D.E.O uniform and get his gun* ready
Alex: let's go

Sorry for the short story
I'm kinda stressed with all the tests coming up and me needing to pass this year and well it caught up to me.
Also Check out my other story
"Before and After" a stony fanfiction and no it's not the other one I'm doing I will update that one soon.


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