Chapter 2- At the Wheel Well

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"Boy, this was the best day ever!" Mater exclaimed happily as he and Lightning drove down Main Street at the end of the day. Both of them were covered from roof to tyre in dust. "And my favourite souvenir; this new dent." He showed it off proudly.

"Boy, Mater, today was, uh..." Lightning began, not sure how to word what he was about to say, knowing that his best friend probably wouldn't like it.

"Shoot, that was nothin'!" Mater declared. "Wait'll you see what I got planned for tonight!"

"Mater, Mater, whoa. I was kind of thinking of just a quiet dinner."

"Hey! That's exactly what I was thinkin'!"

"No. I meant with Sally, Mater."

"Even better! You, me and Miss Sally goin' out fer supper!"

Lightning pulled out in front of the tow truck. "Mater, I meant it would be just me and Sally", he explained.

"Oh..." Mater lowered his hood, his tow hook drooping, unable to hide his disappointment.

"You know, just for tonight." Lightning spoke gently to his best friend in a tone he'd normally use with Fudge. "We'll do whatever you want tomorrow", he added while Mater was still hesitating.

"Uh... okay", Mater caved.

"Thanks for understanding."

"Yeah, sure. Y'all go on and have fun now."

"All right then. See you soon, amigo." He drove off to wash himself clear of dust and find Sally while Mater stared at the ground sadly.

However, it wasn't long before the tow truck lightened up. He had an idea.

"Lightning!" Fudge exclaimed, running forward to the stock car.

"Hey, Fudge-O!"

"Now that you're done with Mater, do you think maybe you could come over now and help me set up my Wii?" she asked hopefully.

There was a moment of hesitation.

"I would love to, Fudge", he began sympathetically, "but I... kinda got a date with Sally."

"Oh. Okay." The human girl tried to hide her disappointment, but she knew she wasn't doing a very good job.

Why? Because Lightning told her, "Tell you what, sweetie. I promised Mater we'd do whatever he wanted tomorrow, but I'll find some time to come over and do that for you." Lightning only ever called Fudge sweetie when he knew she was upset.

"You promise?" Fudge questioned.

"I promise."


"Okay", Lightning echoed, kissing the top of her head and driving off.

"I love you!" Fudge hollered after him.

"Love you too!" he called back.

When Radiator Springs made it back on to the map, not only did that bring a flurry of customers and activity to the town, but many of the old businesses were reopened, including the historic Wheel Well Motel. And that was where everyone in Radiator Springs as well as a bunch of tourists gathered that evening.

Fudge had arrived with Luigi, Guido, Sarge and Fillmore to the sound of rummaging in the back room.

"What is that?" the human girl wondered.

"I don't know", the four adult male vehicles replied.

"I'll go check it out!" Fudge offered, sneaking into the back room before any of the others could object.

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