Chapter 25- More Identities Revealed

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The sound was burning in Mater's brain. He felt dizzy and unwell enough as it was. While he'd been unconscious, Mater had had a nightmare. It consisted of the events that had occurred over the World Grand Prix trip. Him embarrassing Lightning at the pre-race party. Cars laughing at him. Causing Lightning to lose the race. Lightning, Finn and Fudge's words.

"Mater, this isn't Radiator Springs."

"So... you're sayin' this ain't Radiator Springs?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying!"

"No one realises they're being fooled because they're too busy laughing at the fool!"

"This is exactly why I don't bring you along to these things!"

"I don't need your help! I don't want your help!"

They were all going on around in his head and still lingered in his mind when he awoke. Maybe they were all right all along. Maybe he really was a fool.

Right now, though, Mater had other things to worry about at that exact moment. He was suspended high in the air, hanging from some rope and had just spied Finn and Holley tied up bumper to bumper on a gear nearby. Sammy was also tied up on a smaller gear... but where was Fudge?

"Holley! Finn! Sammy!" the tow truck called to his spy friends. "Where are we?!"

"We're in London, Mater!" Finn answered. "Inside Big Bentley."

Well, that made sense, what with the chiming and the gears. They were inside the workings of a clock! Not just any clock. One of, if not, the most famous clock towers in the world.

Before anybody knew what was happening, Mater cried out as he felt himself being dropped a fair bit, closer to two gears spinning side by side that would crush him. Then all of the gears rotated slightly, moving Finn, Holley and Sammy closer to larger gears that would eventually crush them. All that happened outside was the clock hands moved one spot to change the time from three o'clock to three-oh-one.

"Where's Fudge?" Mater demanded.

"Don't worry; she's safe!" Sammy reported. "She ran off to warn McQueen."

"I received a transmission from Fudge", Finn realised, pressing play on it.

"Bad news, Finn!" Fudge's terrified voice rang out. "Lightning's just left. I haven't been able to warn him. I'm really scared. I don't know what to do. If you're there, please respond."

"F**k!" Sammy groaned.

"Oh, this... this is all my fault!" Mater thought out loud.

"Don't be a fool, Mater!" Finn replied.

"But I am, remember?!" the tow truck insisted. "You said so!"

"When did I-" Finn began. Then he remembered. "Oh. Mater", he tried to justify his actions, "I was complimenting you on what a good spy you are!"

"I'M NOT A SPY!" Mater exploded, his words echoing through the tower. Only Finn was shocked by the news itself, but they were all a little stunned by his outburst Everything fell silent for a moment before he calmed down considerably as he continued. "I been tryin' ta tell you that the whole time. I really am just a tow truck! And Fudge ain't a spy either! She was tryin' ta tell ya too!"

"Finn, he's not joking", Holley added, recalling her conversation with Sammy in the transporter.

Finn had figured it out, though. "I know."

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