Chapter 9- What Just Happened?

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"Mater!" Fudge called out, wandering the streets of Tokyo.

In hindsight, maybe going after Mater wasn't the best idea after all. She could easily get lost and end up not even finding Mater at all. Why did it even matter so much where he was going? Because none of this makes any sense, Fudge answered her own question.

"Mater!" she shouted again as she rounded a corner.

When Fudge made it around the corner, she didn't find Mater there. She found the human woman from the party the night before! She was dressed in a leather jacket, shirt, jeans and knee-high boots, all in black, making all of the dye in her hair stand out even more- and that gold chain again. Yet Fudge couldn't focus on any of that. All that she paid any attention to was the fact that she had a gun in her belt. And she was pulling it out slowly. And aiming it right at Fudge!

"Oh, my God!" Fudge gasped.

"Don't... move!" the woman ordered the girl.

"What?" Fudge asked.

"I SAID DON'T MOVE!" she repeated.

The eleven-year-old wanted to run, but she found herself rooted to her spot. Still, she managed to slowly and shakily raise her hands in the air. Why did she want to shoot her?

Wait a sec! She'd told someone over a radio or something that she would "take care" of some civilians... Was this what she meant? Then there were the Gremlin and the Pacer she'd spoken to the night before. They had creeped her out and she seemed to be with them. The trigger was pulled back...

What are you doing? Fudge scolded herself in her head. RUN!

But she couldn't do it. No matter how much she wanted to, she couldn't get herself away from this insane woman with a gun. There was a loud bang.

Fudge closed her eyes, thinking, This is it! But all of a sudden, something metal slammed into her side, knocking her over.

"Owww!" she yelped as she landed hard on her side. It hurt a lot, but thankfully, she didn't appear to have any broken bones or serious injuries.

Fudge glanced up to see who had saved her. It was the Faultless GT that she ran into (literally) at the party the night before! What was he doing here? Who was he?

"What are you doing?" Fudge asked him. She looked around to see that the human was gone again.

"Trying to save your life!" He shot out some grappling hooks to lift Fudge onto his roof.

"Hey!" she shrieked. "Put me down!"

He ignored her. "Miss Shiftwell?"

"I've got him in the back alleys east of the garages", a female British accent reported over some kind of radio. "Multiple assailants are closing in quickly!"

"Keep him moving!" the Faultless GT instructed her. "I'm on my way!"

With that, he used his grappling hooks to suspend himself and Fudge into the air.

"Whoa!" the child cried as she found herself on top of a building. From the top of the building, she could see...


The car turned to stare at her as if he didn't understand what she'd just said (well, he probably didn't). "I'm sorry?"

"My friend's down there", Fudge explained.

"The tow truck?"


"Well, perhaps you should get back to your partner", the Faultless GT suggested. "He probably needs you."

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