Chapter 19- The Italian Job

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"Ah, back in Porto Corsa!" Fudge remarked once they were out of the train station and in the streets of the Italian Riviera town. She smiled, remembering how awesome it was the last time she was there. And the time before that. Of all of her trips to Italy, Fudge had a feeling that this was gonna be her least favourite.

"You been here before?" Mater asked her.

She nodded. "I came here with Papà and Babbo."

At the mention of her fathers' names, Fudge felt a pang of sadness. In all of her eleven years, this was the longest she'd ever been separated from them. She really missed them. She never did call them back. They must be so worried about her.

"You okay?" Mater questioned, concerned.

"Yeah... I just really miss my dads, that's all."

Mater gave her a hug. "We'll be home soon."

Fudge sighed. "I hope so."

Meanwhile, the second race of the World Grand Prix was just moments from getting underway. Allinol was still in the news with many doubting that it was really safe.

"(Are you sure you still want to race?)" Cruz Besouro quizzed Carla Veloso. "(What about Allinol? And those explosions?)"

"(Cruz, you worry too much!)" Carla insisted. "(There are bigger problems in the world, like the destruction of our rainforests! I will be fine!)"

Up on Miguel's roof, Carlos was praying in Spanish that all of the racers would remain safe.

"I am so glad you are all right after that", Shu remarked to Rip. "I hope it does not happen again. It will probably not happen to me. I live near a volcano, you see. It takes a lot to damage my engine."

"Wow!" Rip was fascinated. "But I agree. I wonder what caused those explosions in the first place, though."

"Doesn't matter", Lenny, the eternal optimist, declared. "Because it is not going to happen again. We are going to finish this race with no complications. We will prove that it takes more than one little explosion to stop us!"

"(I certainly hope that those explosions don't happen again)", Max commented worriedly to his partner, Sebastian.

"(They won't)", Sebastian insisted. "(Or Sir Axlerod will have me to answer to.)"

"An independent panel of scientists has determined that Allinol is completely safe!" Axlerod had assured the press adamantly earlier that morning. "Okay? Safe! There it is!"

However, Lightning just wasn't himself as he lined up in the second position at the starting line. Although, unlike the other racers, he did not have Allinol on his mind. He was just as worried about his friends as they were about him.

Luigi became anxious. "McQueen? Is-a everything okay?" he questioned over the radio.

"If you're worried about your fuel, man, don't", Fillmore added. "It's perfectly safe."

Lightning shook his hood. "No, guys. I just really wish Mater and Fudge were here."

Luigi sighed sadly. "I know. I really miss Fudge too."

"(Me too)", Guido added.

Lightning felt a little better. It helped to know that his friends understood how he felt. However, his bad feeling returned when Francesco came over (from the pole position).

"Francesco understands, McQueen."

Lightning groaned. "Oh, great. Here it comes. What do you got, Francesco?"

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