Chapter 33- Back to Normal (Sort of)

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This chapter features Fudge's therapist, Dr. Snow. I wanted to include some insight, but you might see it an unnecessary information. XD

Chapter 33: Back to Normal (Sort of)

"Fudge Rossi-Topolino?" a breathless voice called out.

Fudge rose from the eggplant leather couch and smiled at the owner of the voice: her therapist, Dr. Kirsten Snow. Initially, Fudge had had no idea what to expect when she was told she was going to see a therapist, but when she thought of the word doctor, Dr. Snow was pretty much the opposite of what came to mind.

Dr. Snow had dark curly hair and dark eyes. She wore big glasses with light pink frames and looked to be in her late forties to early fifties. She'd always reminded Fudge of a tree. Not just because she was the tallest human woman the young girl had ever met (well over six foot, for sure!) with a giraffe neck, but also because she wore these long flowing outfits, often green and decorated with leaves. She had leaf jewellery as well: earrings, necklaces, lots of rings. She also really liked birds and often brought them into work. So, sometimes, she had a bird on her shoulder too. She did just then. Fudge recognised the bird as her blue parakeet, Buzz.

"I'm so sorry I'm late!" she apologised. "I was just on my lunch break at the café down the street and lost track of time! Then I had to go back because I forgot my purse!"

"That's okay", Fudge assured her, hiding a smile. Her therapist was the most disorganised, absentminded and simply scatterbrained person she had ever met. Even more so than Fillmore. It was something else about her that didn't fit the doctor image Fudge had. The things Dr. Snow forgot to do was absolutely amazing!

"(I will be back for her in about an hour)", Guido informed Dr. Snow, who understood because she had done a lot of travelling and was fluent in seven languages, Italian being one of them.

"(That's fine)", Dr. Snow assured him. "(I'll see you in an hour, then.)" She turned to Fudge. "Are you ready?"

"Yep", she confirmed. She was about to follow her therapist, but turned and waved. "Bye, Babbo!"

Guido smiled and waved. Then he left.

Dr. Snow smiled, feeling proud of Fudge. Her first session, it had taken nearly five minutes for her parents to leave because she was still clinging to them. Her abandonment issues were still there, but at least here, she knew that her Babbo was going to come back for her.

Dr. Snow led Fudge into her office (room 715) and the second they stepped inside, she uttered the same words she used every time without fail: "I'm so sorry for the mess. Every time I swear I'm gonna get this place straightened out, something more important comes up. Have a seat wherever you can find one."

So, Fudge moved a big black binder, drowning in Post-It notes, that was on a padded leather chair and picked up the stray Post-It notes that fell out.

"Don't worry about that", Dr. Snow tried to stop her. "I'll get to it later."

But Fudge knew better! Once the last of the Post-It notes had been stuffed inside the binder, Fudge took a seat.

Dr. Snow's office had also become familiar to Fudge over the past year. The walls were green and covered in photos of landmarks and landscapes all across the world. The desk and chairs and coffee table were overflowing with papers and little knickknacks she'd collected from her travels. There were plenty of cushions strewn all over the place as well. No two cushions were the same. If there was one thing Dr. Snow hated, it was convention, so she often made a point not to make things match.

Outside, there was a large courtyard with a fountain. Several people were out there, having lunch or emerging from the library next door and settling in with their books. Sometimes, if the weather was decent and it wasn't too crowded, they would have their sessions in the courtyard.

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