Quoth the Raven, 'GO AWAY'

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Sitting in the living room, Raven allowed the silence to consume her. The whispers get louder and louder as she remains still. They're going to find me. One way or another, someday soon maybe, I'll be under his control again. I need to leave New York. I have to leave...
*Knock Knock*
Raven looks at her door, eyes wide open. I guess today may be my last.
Raven quietly got up and looked through the peephole. A guy with an eye patch and some red-headed woman were standing there. The way their posture looks suggests that they are agents.
"No solicitors, please. Whatever you're selling, I'm not buying," She tells them. "We're here with a job offer. Will you let us in?" The man said.
"I don't want people here. Go away." Raven told them sternly. Watching them just standing there whispering to each other, she decided to learn more. Sighing in frustration, Raven called out to them.
"State your name and business."
"I'm Natasha Romanoff."
"I'm Nick Fury. We work for S.H.I.E.L.D."
I guess they mean business.
"What does S.H.I.E.L.D. want with me?" Raven asked, fear rising in her chest. Do they want my powers, too??
"As I said, we have a job offer. May we come in to talk more in private? It would be safer that way." Nick Fury said. Raven unlocked all 5 locks she had on her door.  "Before you step in, just touch the necklace," She told them, holding a Rosario. They both looked confused, but they did. Raven stepped aside and let them in. "Watch your step." Raven peeked into the hallway, making sure that they weren't followed by anyone. She quickly closed the door.
"What's with the salt rocks?" Natasha asked. "Some would say it's a safety precaution," She said hesitantly. "What's the job offer?"
"Straight to the point, I like it. The job. Do you know your Norse Gods?" He asked. "Thor, God of thunder, Loki, God of mischief, the sons of Odin. Why? Isn't Thor part of the Avengers? Or are you in need of a babysitter for Loki?"
"So you know he's in custody?"
"I keep up with the news."
"Do you accept the job?"
"Just 2 questions."
Fury nods slightly. "And those questions are?"
"Will this apartment remain under my name? Even though I probably won't be home for a while, I still want this place. And am I required to interact with Loki?" Raven asked hesitantly, unsure if this job offer was a good idea, to begin with.
"We will keep up with the rent here and make it look like you still live here. We hope to trust him enough to put him under house arrest. And no, you're not required to speak with him, if you don't want to."
Raven slowly nodded her head, thinking to herself. "One more question."
"Can you guarantee my safety?"
"Yes. I don't know everything about you just yet, but you'll be safe with us Rachel."
I may be stupid for doing this, but what choice do I have? I'm better off hiding with the Avengers than I am in this apartment. Okay, let's give this a shot.
"Mr. Fury, I accept the offer. When do I start?" Raven asked, taking a deep breath.
"Preferably today. We set up the platform so that you can get a bit of privacy without taking your eyes off of him." Fury said proudly. "You seem to have another question. What is it?"
"Now isn't the time. I'll pack my essentials." Raven said, going to my bedroom and packing a few belongings, which included her laptop, guitar, diary, sketchbook, and spell books.

New life, maybe a new me? I get to meet the Norse Gods. Except for Odin, but that's probably okay. I get to meet the scientists. Will I meet Spiderman? Oh gosh, that's a ton of people. I'm gonna hate this, but I'll tolerate it. But how long are they going to have me guard Loki? Fury mentioned a house arrest, he's not going to have Loki live with me, is he? How long will that last? Loki is like a snake charmer, and I'd be the snake. I can't fall for his tricks. I'll have to pay very close attention.

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