Training Continues (NSFW)

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Knock knock.
Raven sat up, startled by the sound of someone knocking. Raven looked at the clock to see the time.
3 am. Fucking great. An hour of sleep.
Raven got out of bed and went to the kitchen to make tea. Raven opens the door and walks into Loki's chest. Raven stepped back startled as Loki softly chuckled.
"Sorry to wake you." He spoke in a hushed tone.
"No, i-it's fine. I didn't comprehend that it was you knocking. I'm gonna make tea if you want to join me." Raven sheepishly offered. Loki nodded, and they walked together to the kitchen, where they found Bucky and Steve.
"You guys can't sleep either?" Raven asked, surprised to see them up at this hour.
"Trying to figure out how this guy keeps disappearing," Bucky commented, sounding agitated.
"Who? If you don't mind me asking." Raven asked, now curious that this person was keeping them awake. Bucky looked at Steve curiously, wondering if they should tell her.
Steve held up a photo that made Raven's already pale skin even paler. "Garret Roberts. He's been a real problem lately."

A flood of memories hit Raven hard

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A flood of memories hit Raven hard. She began to tremble, and Loki seemed to notice. "Are you alright?" He asked, concern in his voice.
"That's..." Raven trailed off,  her breathing becoming heavier as the memories became overwhelming. Loki placed his hand on her shoulder, which helped her to remember that she was safe with the Avengers.
"That's my ex..." Raven finally said, though reluctantly.
Steve and Bucky looked at each other, then back at Raven. "You know him personally?" Bucky asked, turning in his seat to face her more directly.
"Unfortunately. Con artist, last I knew." Raven sighed, feeling uncomfortable with the idea that he's gotten worse.
"Trying to revive Hydra, we think," Steve said. Raven took a moment to listen to the shadow. He seeks to unleash Him. She hears the voices of the shadows whisper. "No... He wants you to think that." Raven stated, untuning herself from the shadows. "What do you mean?" Bucky asked, an eyebrow cocked.
"He's distracting you from what he's doing." Raven took a deep breath, concerned about him possibly being a cultist.
"Then what is he doing?" Bucky asked. Raven walked over to the cupboard and grabbed a mug. "What has he stolen?" She asked without looking at them.
"How do you know he's stolen anything?" Steve narrowed his eyes at her.
"Because I know Garret. He likes magical objects, even if he can't figure out how to use them. That's where I became useful to him..." Raven trailed off as she turned in the flame for the kettle.
Bucky looked at Steve and whispered. "How do we know we can trust her?"
"Because I'm the only one who can track him down," Raven stated, facing the men and leaning back on the counter. Loki looked surprised by the statement.  Bucky looked at me, surprised that I even heard him whispering to Steve.
Steve thought for a moment, contemplating if he should tell her what Garrett had stolen. "Some call it 'The Dark Crystal'. We don't know the purpose of it, or why he even took it."
Raven slowly nodded as the tea kettle whistled. She turned to and turned it off, now quoting something that sounded like came from a book. " 'And The Dark Crystal acts as a key. But no ordinary key, a key to the gates of hell. This key will set free Azaeir, the conqueror, and destroyer of worlds. The crystal will call for the gatekeeper when his time comes.' Book of the Damned, page 78, 16th paragraph." Raven spoke with sophistication, pouring the hot water into her mug. She grabbed the chamomile tea and placed it into her mug.
"Who's the gatekeeper?" Steve sounded concerned and confused.
"How do you know that?" Bucky asked as he stood up as if he were to be ready to attack at a second notice.
"Azaeir is my father's name. I know that snippet because I have the book." Raven's speech was hesitant, feeling herself getting uncomfortable saying her father's real name.
"Sounds to me that he's prepping for a summoning," Raven sighed, taking a sip of her tea. "Summoning? Who's gonna summon?" Bucky asked, sitting back down.
"Probably the gatekeeper." Loki finally chimed in with a sigh. "Bingo," Raven said nonchalantly. "Then we need to find the gatekeeper," Steve stood up, as if ready to leave.
"Did either of you encounter him?" Raven asked, now realizing several things that could go wrong. "Bucky did," Steve said, gesturing to him. Raven looked at Bucky, a hint of concern on her face. "Do me a favor and check your pockets," Raven requested nervously.
"What for?" Bucky asked defensively.
"Trust me. Check your pockets." Raven encouraged.
Bucky checked his pockets but pulled out nothing. Raven sighed in relief, her anxiety dying down some.
"I had to be sure," She admitted, finishing her tea.
"Be sure of what, love?" Loki asked, sounding curious. Raven rinsed her mug and threw away the tea bag. "I wanted to be sure he wasn't followed. Steve, you may want to check your pockets, too." Steve complied, but he also found nothing. "What exactly are we looking for?" Steve looked at Raven confused. "A coin," She said simply.
"A coin? Like money?" Bucky asked, even more puzzled than Steve. "No. It's different. Neither of you were planted. I'll explain it to everyone in the morning. Night guys." Raven quickly left, going to her room. She paused at her door and took a few shaky deep breaths. 
Raven looks behind her and sees Loki approaching. When did he stop calling me Rachel? I like the way he says my name. "What do those coins do?" Loki asked, looking a little concerned. "They...." Raven hesitated, not wanting to jinx anyone by explaining. "This is sort of what they'll look like. If you're planted with one, you'll be tracked down by a hound from hell." Raven showed him her coin. "I'm an owner." She hesitantly admitted.  "How do you have one?" Loki looked puzzled but also intrigued.  "I have 2 actually, and so... I own 2 hounds. One named Lenore, and the other Neville."
"How did you get 2 hell hounds?" Loki tilted his head curiously.
"I don't know. They just showed up one day." Raven shrugged, the memory of the hounds appearing hazy.
Raven's eyes rolled to the back of her head for a moment, almost falling to the floor. Raven thought she caught herself, but she realized that Loki was holding her by the waist. "How much sleep did you get, love? You look ghostly." Loki said, gently placing his hand on her cheek, inspecting her.
"Uhm... An hour..." Raven said sheepishly, looking away from him. Loki shook his head. "Tsk tsk. I told you to go to bed earlier. It will help you focus on training. What were you doing?"
"Reading... And playing my guitar." Raven admitted, wishing she could turn invisible.
"Do I need to make sure you get some rest?" Loki's voice was low and almost seductive.
"What are you suggesting?" Raven looked at him innocently.
Loki raised an eyebrow, with a cocky smile. "I'll hold you down in bed if I must." He winked at her, knowing it would make her flustered. Raven blushed as he opened the door and gently pushed her inside. "I guess I'm holding you down." Loki teased. "I-I'll be fine by myself!" Raven protested, putting her hands on his chest and weakly pushing him back. Loki picked her up bridal style in one fluid motion. The lights were already off as he began to walk toward her bed.
"L-Loki!" Raven raised her voice, embarrassed. "Yes love?" He chimed with a cheeky smile.
"Put me down!" She demanded.
"Why would I do that?" He chuckled.
"I don't like being picked up!" Raven pouted, crossing her arms.
Loki sat her down on her bed, pinning her in place. "You need proper sleep." He spoke softly, yet his voice seemed deeper. Loki lifted her blanket, she slid underneath. He gently wrapped his arms around her and they naturally snuggled together. Loki gently petted her hair, soothing her to sleep as her eyes became heavy with exhaustion. "Hey, Loki?"
Raven mumbled something, but she was so tired at this point, that he could barely understand her. Loki smiled as he kissed her forehead. "Sleep well. I love you, too." He whispered in her ear.

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