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It was late at night, and Raven couldn't seem to bring herself to fall asleep. She could hear Loki softly breathing in his glass cell. At least someone can sleep well.
Raven went to one of her bags and pulled out a guitar. She made sure it was tuned and began to softly play a song that's been playing in her mind.
Goodbye by Jamestown Story weighed on her mind.  Maybe if I play the song just once, I can finally get some sleep. She softly sang, trying to not wake Loki. "Rachel? Is that you?" Raven hears Loki's sleepy voice. Oops.
She walked into his line of vision, still holding her guitar. "Sorry Loki, I didn't mean to wake you up."
"It's quite alright. What are you playing?" He asked, seemingly interested.
"Uhm, my guitar?" Raven admitted, a little embarrassed that he may have heard her singing.
"I heard a lovely voice. Was that you singing?" He asked while stretching. Dammit...
"Oh... Uh, ya.." Her face was now dusted with a pink shade. Did he like my singing?
"Perhaps you could teach me to play? It looks fun and rather relaxing."
Raven thought for a moment, hesitating about her answer. "Sure, maybe in the morning?"
Loki nodded. "Are you going to try to sleep? If I could, I would help."
"Ya, I'm gonna try."
Loki waved his hand, an illusion of him was now standing next to her. "I'd like to try something if that's alright."
"What do you plan on trying?" She asked, feeling uncertain.
"My illusion will stay with you until you fall asleep."
Raven contemplated his gesture, unsure if this was allowed. I do sort of trust him. If I can trust him to not break out and hurt anyone, maybe I can trust... Well, it IS his illusion, it's not him exactly. Alright. Just this once.
Raven drew in a slow deep breath. "Okay. Sure. Maybe just this once."
Loki's illusion followed her into her quarters. Raven placed her guitar on its stand and got into bed. Raven had her back facing Loki.
He's sort of different from what everyone else says. Did I scare him that night I shattered the lights? Or did I accidentally impress him with my uncontrollable abilities?... Was he impressed that I could play guitar and sing? No one has ever asked me before to teach them to play the guitar. I'll have to look up music for him, I don't think I have any with me. Am I overthinking this?
"Dearest, you should maybe slow down your thoughts."
Shit... "O-okay." I hope he wasn't reading my mind...
Raven's eyes began to feel heavy, and so she allowed them to close. For once in her life, she felt safe with someone.
~About 7 am ~
Help! Mom, help me! They're after me!! MOM!!
"Elliot!" Raven sat up, gasping for air. She looked at her surroundings, feeling confused and disoriented. Did I say that out loud? Raven took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down. Rolling out of bed, she got dressed, putting on black skinny jeans and a black Game of Thrones T-shirt. Raven put on her rainbow studded belt and grabbed her guitar bag. Oh, I do have music in my pocket. Perfect! That will help. Raven then grabbed her guitar, putting it into its rightful case. Grabbing her guitar stand, she walks out of her room.
Approaching the control panel, she wanted to make sure that everything was functioning as it should. Loki was reading and didn't seem to notice what she was doing. Slighting shaking her head and she stared at the control panel, she walked up to the glass of the cell instead. I'll just teleport myself in.
Loki looked up as she approached the glass. "You seriously meant in the morning." He smiled at her, closing the book.
Raven shyly smiled back, placing her hand on the glass, and taking a slow deep breath.
"Rachel, what are you doing?"
The glass rippled, and she stepped through it like it wasn't there. Once she got inside, the glass went back to solid, as if nothing happened. Raven looked at the glass to make sure, only to turn back around and see that Loki isn't very far from her face. A few inches maybe. Raven let out a squeaked and moved away, only for Loki to catch her and pull her close to him. "My my my, what do I have here?" He asked, sounding flirtatious. "Be quiet you! You spooked me! I only came in here to show you how to play guitar." Raven said sternly, turning away from him as she felt herself blush.  Don't fall for him, it's not gonna end well. I'm half demon, he's a GOD.
Loki giggled as she tried to fight out of his grip. "My dear, you won't be escaping that easily." He winked at her. Raven refused to look at him, not wanting him to see how red her face must be. Loki chuckled as he let go of her, sitting on his bed. Raven took a couple of deep breaths, getting her heart rate down. Loki cleared his throat to get her attention, patting a spot next to him. Raven hesitantly obliged.
"Are you right-handed or left-handed?" She asked, not making any eye contact with him. "I'm right-handed."
"Alright, so this is how you're going to hold the guitar." Raven stands back up and places the guitar in his hands. "It's already tuned, so I'll show you how to do that later."
Raven opened the front pocket of her guitar case and pulled out a basic how-to-play guitar book. "I honestly didn't think I had this," she admitted. "Looks like you'll need to hold it, love," Loki said, looking up at her. She nodded as she sat back down. Raven showed him which strings were called what, and then turned the page to a song once he assured her he had the names of the strings right.
Loki started to strum, but the sound wasn't coming out quite right. "Your finger is on the wrong string. You need the string above it."
"I knew that." He said confidently. Raven smiled and gently shook her head. "Now you're on that wrong bracket." Loki sighed. "You made it sound so easy."
"That's because I've been playing guitar since I was 4."
"Wow, that's quite young to start playing."
"Yeah, I suppose so," Raven shrugged her shoulders.
She continued to teach Loki about the guitar, having to stop him at one point to correct the way he had his hand on the neck. "Relax your hand," She told him.
"It is relaxed."
"Not it's not."
"Yes love, it is."
"No, dear, it's not. I can't move your finger. Relax your hand, let me show you."
"Well, explain to me where my finger should be."
"It's easier if I show you."
"Just tell me."
Raven sighed in amusement. "You're a brat," She told him.
"Oh, I'm a brat?" Loki questioned, placing the guitar on its stand.
"Yes," Raven said, crossing her arms as she felt nervous about him standing over her.
Loki sat closer to her, a mischievous smile creeping on his face. "What?" She asked him, her arms now dropping to her sides. "I wouldn't have done that if I were you." He said with a toothy grin. 
Raven was puzzled until she felt his hands on her sides, his thumbs moving in a circular motion.
"No!!" She squeaked, pushing his arms away and holding her breath. How the hell did he know?!
"Come now darling, I know you want to giggle." He said, with a smirk, his hands maneuvering around her block and going back to her sides.  Despite her efforts, Raven began to giggle uncontrollably. Loki had her where he wanted her.
Raven managed to squirm away from him, running toward the glass. She didn't care that she was abandoning her belongings, she would find a way to get them later.
To her surprise, Loki catches up to her from behind, lifting her and spinning her around, causing her to squeal. Carefully setting her back down, he began to tickle her again. "Noo!!" Raven squealed, laughing harder now than before.

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