True Name, True Nature.

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Raven opens her eyes to see what looks to be a hospital room. A flashlight shined into her eyes, causing her to squint.
"Rachel, can you hear me?" The man asked. Raven instinctively smacked his hand away. "Yes, I'm fine. Where am I? Who are you?" She asked, sitting up.
"I'm Dr. Bruce Banner. Or uh, the hulk. You're still in Avengers Headquarters. What happened last night?" He asked.
 Last night? I had that bad dream. Loki heard me yelp... That's right. Loki asked me about the voice... In my room...
Raven looked at Dr. Banner. "Loki had a question about... Some paranormal activity has been going on in my quarters. I hadn't realized that he could hear the same things I could. I guess I fainted after that," She hesitantly admitted.
"What's your real name?" Another guy asked. When Raven looked, she recognized him as Tony Stark.
"What do you mean?" Why does everyone want to know my real name?
"Look Kid, the more we know about you, the easier it'll be to protect you. Fury mentioned that you're being hunted down, but it's not going to be like the things we've been up against before. So what's your story?" Tony said, sounding aggravated.
"Tony, right?  You and the others wouldn't understand. It wouldn't surprise me if you were to put me in the same cell as Loki not only because of what I am, but who my parents are, too." Raven told him timidly. I don't want to tell them, but maybe Tony is right.
Fury casually strode in, his posture showing off his ego. "Tony may be right." He spoke suddenly. "I respect that you don't want to tell anyone. However, we do need to know what we're up against when the time comes. I know who you really are, but I don't know everything. I think now would be a good time to start talking about your history."
Raven groaned, not wanting to talk about what little history she actually knows. "If I tell my life story, we might as well have everyone here." Raven caved, wondering if it might be better to tell the Avengers.
It was 20 minutes or so for everyone to gather in one room. I'll tell Loki the truth after this. He seemed to be worried about me. He has the right to know.
"So, what are you up against?" Fury asked.
"You never did tell us your real name." Tony reminded.
"My real name is Raven Wichai." She sighed, trying not to roll her eyes.
"And for Fury's question, demons. Specifically my brothers and sisters of the under realm," Raven told them, nervously rubbing her arm.
"Wait, how is that possible?" Natasha asked. "I'm... I'm half demon. When my father was first summoned, my mom was his, sacrifice, so to speak. She sacrificed herself to him to have... Me."
"So... What was the purpose of having you?" Bruce asked.
"After I was born, my father was sent back to the under realm. We moved away from Thailand, and I lived with my mom and her sister in Missouri until I was 9. Mom took her own life then, and my aunt took me in. When I was 14, I figured out how to open portals.  My aunt locked me away when she found out about the ability, and I was forced to read the Bible on a daily basis in hopes that the demonic side of me would somehow go away. I was allowed to start going to school when I was 15, but I had to go to a Catholic school. When  I was 16, I ran away with a guy I knew. Well, thought I knew... I've been on the run since."
"And that voice you and Loki can hear is?..." Fury asked, seemingly intrigued.
"My father was calling for me. He can talk to me through mirrors or anything that has a reflection. He's been trying to get me to set him loose, and his demonic children aren't the only ones after me. There are men after me too, because I'm apparently very powerful, and if they can control me-"
"They can control your power." Fury finished her sentence. "So how do we keep them away?"
"Salt lines. Demons can't cross salt. Holy water hurts them, too. But it doesn't kill them."
"Just like the salt rocks at your apartment," Natasha confirmed. Raven nodded.
"Is there anyone else like you?" Tony asked.
"No." Raven lied. She figured she that she may regret that later.

Fury sent Raven back to guard duty. She walked into a pacing Loki. He stopped when he heard her walking through. "Rachel! Thank goodness, are you alright? You've been gone for hours!" Raven stared at him surprised. "Did you miss me that much?" She asked curiously. Loki smiled at her mischievously. "My my, Rachel. If I didn't know better, I'd guess that you were just flirting with me," He quipped. "I'm okay Loki." Raven softly smiled.
Hello? Can you hear me? My name is Elliot, I'm looking for my mom.
Raven shook her head slightly. What was that? That... That can't be.
"Dearest, who is Elliot?" Loki asked. "You were in my head?" Raven asked him, an eyebrow raised.
"From time to time, I take a peak at your thoughts."
Raven hesitated before saying anything else. "I'm... not quite sure." Before Loki could question her more, she went to her quarters to quickly shower.
Raven came out of the bathroom clothed in black shorts and a dark purple tank top.
"Raven... Uncover the mirror. We need to talk."
Raven ignored the deep voice calling for her. "เงียบ" ("Silene" in Thai) Raven said softly, blocking her father from speaking through the mirror, at least for the rest of the day. 

"Did you tell the Avengers about your life? Assume they made you do that." Loki called from his glass prison.
"I did. I'm thinking maybe you should know too since you've been so curious." Raven said, slipping on her Avenge Seven Fold hoodie, and walking into Loki's line of vision.
"Oh, so now I get the pleasure of hearing about your childhood. How intriguing."
"It's not much of a childhood, really," She told him.
After explaining everything to him, he just clicked his tongue, slowly pacing, as if to absorb every word that came out of her mouth, with his hands folded behind his back.
"So... You're a half-demon. Not only are you a person, but you're also a portal. Is that why you hide the Crystal on your forehead?" He asked curiously.
"No, actually... That Crystal was removed a long time ago." Raven said, turning away.
"Is that why men are searching for you?"
"Sort of."
"You're leaving out details, my love."
"What do you mean?"
"You're not telling me everything. There are more like you, aren't there?"
"No Loki, I'm the only one. I would know if there were more." I'm not ready to talk about Elliot.
"You see, that's the thing. You do indeed know. There is one other, isn't there?" Loki pried
"Loki, you're making me nervous," Raven told him, her anxiety rising to her chest.
"Who is this other halfling? Where is the other, I wonder?"
Loki stopped pacing and stared at Raven.
"He's not a halfling!" Raven raised her voice, unsure of why she was feeling this strong emotion. Elliot isn't a halfling! He's a human, just like his father!
"Ah, so there is another."
Raven placed her hands on her head, closing her eyes tightly, and shaking her head. Elliot's a human! He's a human! He's just a human!!
"Just stop..." Raven barely whispered.
"Rachel, who is the-" Loki began to speak, but was abruptly interrupted. 
Everything in the room felt thick. The light bulbs burst, one by one. Raven crouched down and covered her face. Not again!! Please, not again!! Elliot, I'm so sorry!! 
Loki took a few steps back, surprised at what he just witnessed.
"Rachel, I... I'm sorry. I didn't know."
"It's fine," I said, rather angrily, hot tears streaming down her face. "I can fix it," She stood up and stretched out my arms. Taking a deep breath and focused on the glass around them. Every piece went back into order, and the lights were restored as if nothing had happened. Raven looked at Loki, eyes red. "My abilities go out of control when I don't keep my emotions in check. Especially when I'm angry or anxious. When I tell you to stop, it's because bad things will happen. Okay? I don't want to hurt you. It's the last thing I want to do. But... I guess that's your fact for today."
Loki nodded his head.
Raven went into her quarters and watched the security cameras for the rest of the afternoon. I could've broken the prison. Why did he press so damn hard?? Elliot... I'm so sorry that you have to grow up not knowing who I am. I regret my decision, but I had to keep you safe. I'm so sorry...

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