Oh How I Loathe Them

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Raven walked through the long halls with Fury and Natasha. She wasn't sure if I was going to meet anyone else. I wouldn't mind if I did anyone else, I guess.
I hope Loki isn't a small talker. I have a hard time tolerating small talk. I need to stay on my toes while guarding him, for everyone's sake.
Sliding doors opened suddenly, and they walked through, seeing Loki in his glass dungeon. His raven hair sleeked back, looking menacing as ever.
"Is that why you made that installation?" He asked, eyeing Raven. Making a hard swallow, Raven noticed that Natasha had gone to the control panel and Fury had gone to the doorway of Raven's new living space.
"This small section is your new quarters for a while. Make yourself at home Rachel." Fury said. "Thank you, Fury. I suppose I'll get settled in, now." Raven looked around the room, seeing that it was rather simple. There was a bed, a desk with a lamp, and a dresser. Sweet and simple. I can work with this.
Raven set her bags on the bed when she heard the voice. Looking up at the mirror, she saw herself, but with dark cosmic eyes. Picking up one of the blankets that were folded on the bed, she threw it over the mirror. "Leave me alone." She whispered to herself.

"Are you a skeptic?" Natasha asked, standing at the doorway. "You could say I strongly believe in the paranormal."
"The paranormal? As in ghosts, demons, spirits?.." She asked curiously.
"Yes. Basically all of that."
"I see."
Natasha showed Raven how the control panel worked, keeping their voices low enough so that Loki couldn't hear them. "And that's pretty much it," Natasha told her. "If you need anything, just call for me with this button."
"Thanks, Natasha. I think I got it from here." Raven assured her. Natasha nodded and left with Fury, leaving Raven alone with Loki.
"So you must be the new guard? What's your name?" Loki asked, sounding curious.
"What's your real name?"
"What makes you think I have a real name?"
"Are you hiding from someone? I suppose I would, too if I was a halfling."

"Excuse me?" I looked at him, mildly annoyed. "What exactly do you mean by 'halfling'?" Raven slightly glared.
"You are not human, my dear. Not entirely, anyway. What entity or deity are you?" He asked with a questioning look. How does he already know that I'm a half demon? That's not ever possible!
"I'm human. I'm not some entity nor diety." Raven told him, looking away.
"You're not going to tell me anything about you?"
Why is she throwing up walls? What could she have gone through to make her like this? Raven heard his thoughts echo in her mind.
"I'm not here to get personal, Loki. I'm not looking for a friend." Raven said rather harshly. I can't afford to have friends.
"So you're simply here to do the job they gave you? What will we talk about if it's not personal?"
"Anything that isn't about me." Raven stated plainly, looking back at Loki.
"How about your interests?"
Raven slightly shook her head, sighing in slight annoyance.
"Alright then my dear, I'll play your game of mystery. Have it your way. "
"It's not a mystery game. The less you know about me, the better it is for everyone."
Loki's eyes narrow into confusion.
"Are you aware that your eyes change color when you get mad?" He asked with an eyebrow raised.
"No, I wasn't aware." Raven told him, looking away. 
The silence is filled with soft whispers from the shadows. Raven went to her private quarters and place a salt line in front of the door and around her bed. Slowly the whispers fade back to the stale silence. She looked at the TV screen that was installed next to the door. Raven hadn't noticed it before when she in herquarters. Raven could see Loki trying to see what she was doing, but couldn't see past the entry way.
Oh, how I loathe them. The shadows quiet whispers. Reminding me that I'm a monster and a danger to those around me. Nothing bad will happen as long as I hold my tongue as much as possible. And He won't find me. He can't find me. I won't make that mistake twice. As long as I stay in my salt circles, none of them can touch me.

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