Chapter 6 | The kiss |

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I woke up, in my bed. I looked at me, noticing my shirt was changed. I quickly rushed out to Loki.

"Loki! Did you changed me?" I asked as I felt my heart rushed and I blushed hard.

"No- I mean yes. But i changed you using my magic," he said as he smirked. He knew what I was thinking about.
I covered my face, not showing my red face.

"Thanks," I whispered. He hugged me, hoping I would calm down. I hugged back. But it didnt help. Loki, lifted my face up as he held my chin. I was very red. I even teared up a little. I was about to burst from blushing too hard.

"What time is it now?" I asked.

"I am not sure. I am just busy looking at how red you are. You are soo cute," he said in sarcasm.

I was even so red. I was about to die. I cried harder.

"Thank you, Mr Loki," I broke away from the hug. I looked over my phone. It was showing 6.15 a.m. I wowed at how early I woke up. The sun is not even showing and we are very much awake.

I sat down on the chairs. I put my arm on the counter.

"Why are you awake so early?" I asked Loki.

"Well, I was awoke by Thor, calling me, early in the morning. Asking my about the moving in," he said.

"What did he said?" I asked.

"He said that he has spare room but there is only one. He said that me and you have to share rooms," Loki replied back.

"That sound compromising and fun," I said sarcastically.

"Yeah, it will. I am find with it," he said. He sound serious and unjokingly.

"How about you? Why are you awake so early?" He asked.

"It is girls stuff," I said hoping he would understand. He nodded his head, not wanting to ask more.

"Here, some pancakes for my lovely dear," he said, handling me the pancake.

"Dig in!" I said as I dig the fork into the pancakes.

"Mmmm~" I hummed in yummyness. It is so good.

"I wonder how do you make this even though you are an immortal," I giggled.

"You may know me but not the real me," he said as he shoot me a gun at the same time, winking.

I smirked.

"All right Mr. Loki," I sass out. He giggled.

"I am joking," he pat my head as I scrunched my nose. He was about to kiss me. But I shoved in the pancakes as fast as possible. I giggled but I did not know what happen next. He then chew on the pancakes as he nodded. He was not happy. He was dissapointed and angry.

"Hey, are you okay? I am sorry," I said apologising.

"No, it is okay," he said. He turned to the sink, washing the dishes. I got off the chair as I tapped on his shoulder.

"Are you sure?" I asked as I lowered my head.

"Yes! I said I am fine!" He hissed back at me harshly. I jerked up at how pissed he was.

"I am sorry. If it was what I said, I am sor-" I was cut by Loki. He smashed his lips onto mine. I was shock. I looked at Loki whose cheeks was filled with tears streaming down his cheeks. He broke this kiss. I hugged him feeling his heart beat thumped fast. He hugged back as I could feel a warm air whispered in my cold ear.

"I am sorry for kissing you. I did not know what came into me. I am just so sorry," he said as he hugged me tighter.

"Shh, it is okay," I comfort him as I smell his cologne on the white sweater. We stayed in that position for long.
A/N: Hey this is js part one of the next chap but imma js name each of the chap. See ya guys in the next chapter. Sksksksks
666 words oof

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