I want to get to know you

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After the whole situation happened, you decided to go to the kitchen to keep working on that recipe. That's when all of the sudden you heard the door open. Thinking it was Angel Dust again you said

"What do you want now-"

But then you realized, that it was Alastor, looking at you with that big smile of his.

"Well hello there darling" he said

"H- h- hi" you said stuttering

"I don't believe we met dear, what's your name?"

"Im y/n"

" y/n, well isn't that a lovely name?"

All you could do is stare at him, why was he here, and most importantly why was he acting like this with you?

"Thanks i guess"

His smile got even wider

"So i see, you're making something there, may i ask what it is?"

"I'm making Lemon cake" you told him

"Lemon cake? Never had it, would you mind if i tried some after you're finished?" he asked

"Umm sure i guess?"


You kept going with the recipe, when you realized you needed more lemons.


"Anything wrong darling?"

"I'm going to go to the store to get more lemons"

As you were walking out the kitchen door, you felt Alastor put his hand in your shoulder

"You're not planning to go alone are you?" he asked

"Yeah i am actually"

"But it's late, not really a good idea to go out alone at this time"

"I can take care of myself"

"Absolutely not, i'll go with you, besides it's a good opportunity to get to know you better" he said with a smirk"

"Okay, let's go"

"What the hell is this guy up to?" you thought to yourself

It had been a couple minutes of you guys walking and neither of you had said a thing.

"So how long have you been in hell?" he asked

"About 20 years"

"Not long"

"Hey do you ever stop smiling?" you asked

He laughed

"Well my dear, you're never fully dressed without a smile, besides smiles give people comfort"

"You but in hell, if someone gives you a smile, their probably giving you a sign to run"

He laughed again

"Well that is also true"

You kept walking until you got to the store, people kept giving stares, probably because The Radio Demon was standing beside you.

After buying the lemons, you went back to the hotel, and straight to the kitchen. You thought Alastor would now go the other way, but he went straight behind you.

"Do you need anything else?" You asked him

"Me? No dear I just want to watch how you do

"Okay then"

You got a bowl and a big spoon and started mixing the cake mix.

"Here let me help you there" said Alastor

Then he wrapped his hands around yours and started helping you mix. You felt his sharp claws on yours, his hands were cold but soft at the same time. As both of your hands were going round and round with the mix, you felt him getting closer and closer to you.

"Alastor what are you-"

Then you heard the door opening,

"Hey y/n do you have any-"

It was Angel Dust, just staring at you in silence.

Smile My Dear  (Alastor x reader)Where stories live. Discover now