A friend gone

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You were on your way to Ty's house to try to talk to him since he wouldn't answer your texts or calls. After walking a bit you finally arrived. You rung the doorbell and heard footsteps coming to the door. Then the door creaked open and you saw Ty, once he saw it was you, he got a look of disappointment. 

"Hey" you said

"Hi" he said in a sort of low tone

"Can we talk?" you asked

"About what?"

"About why you have been ignoring me?"

He stood silent for a bit

"Come in" he said

You walked into his living room and sat down on his couch.

You both stood silent for a bit 

"Ty, what's wrong?  Are you still mad about what happened with Alastor?"

"What do you think?" he said in a sort of sassy tone

"Well, i don't know, i don't even get why me dating Alastor upsets you so much"

"Wanna know the truth?" he asked


"I am pissed about that, i'm pissed that you say you never want to date, but then you're all over a guy who you drunkenly slept with, because i never took you as that type of girl" 

You were silent

"Okay, but why does it matter to you?! I'm happy with Alastor, he treats me great, and as my best friend you should be happy for me" you said

"Happy? You want me to be happy you're Alastor's new slut?, please y/n you're probably not the first girl he's been with" 

"What the fuck did you just call me?!" you said to him

"Oh? Slut? Well that's what you're acting like-"

Before he could finish, you slapped him

"Don't you ever insult me or Alastor again!" you yelled

"Oh wow i'm so scared, guess your gonna get  your little boyfriend to defend you huh?"

"Why the fuck are you being such an asshole?! You've never been like this before"

"Well now i am"

You just stood there shocked, Ty had n thew sever been like this before

"Now,  if you excuse me, i have things to do, so i need to you to get out of here" he said

You ran out the door, and on the streets. As you were walking you started crying. What ha happened back there?

Authors Note: Hey everyone, Sorry it's been a while, i had a lot of personal stuff going on, but i decided to continue the story, i don't know when the next chapter is gonna be uploaded, but i'll try to do it soon. Thank you so much for your patience.  

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