Chapter 1:Rebekah and Hope Run Into Aspen and Eric

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Rebekah's POV:Right now I am in the Park with hope hope is in the stroller and I am walking while pushing it I accidentally push into a young man.
Me:" i'm so sorry." He glares at at me yikes! He reminds me so much of Nik.
???:" you should be!!!" The girl next to him swats him over the head.
???:" Eric it was an accident and she has a baby with her show some respect!!!" The girl says I smile at her she reminds me so much of Elijah even kind of looks like him but the other half reminds me of my best friend who I haven't talked to in a very long time. Girl turns around and smiles at me. And holds out her hand to shake I shake it.
???:" i'm Aspen this is my best friend Eric. You are?" I smile. At her brightly.
Me:"Rebekah Mikealson." I reply kindly. Just as I say that hope softly gurgles. The girl and the boy look down into the. Stroller to see her the young man named Eric aww's.
Eric:" Who is this cutie?" He says before tickling her softly. Hope giggles. I Giggle to. Before taking her out of the stroller and putting her on my hip.
Me:" this is my niece hope." Aspen looks at her before softly baby talking to her.
Aspen:" hi pretty girl." She says putting her finger out and immediately hope wraps her tiny hand around it. Aspen giggles. Before looking at me hopefully.
Aspen:" can I hold her?" I not before Gently handing hope to her. As soon as Hope is in her arms hope look straight into her eyes. Then Eric tickles hopes neck.  And she giggles joyfully.
Eric:" she's so sweet like a little angel." He says softly and I'm just now recognizing his accent. Hope smile's joyfully holding her arms out to him.
Aspen:" I think she wants you to hold her is it OK?" I'm not in my head before aspen gives hope to Eric. She goes to him so easily. I'm the only One who knows why. This boy has clearly had some troubles and he had a temper but children turns him soft this boy reminds her of her father. I smile before looking at the time.
Me:" well we should be going it's almost time for this one's nap." I say taking her from Eric and putting her back in her stroller. Both teenagers give me their numbers.
Aspen:" in case you need a babysitter or just someone to talk to ." They both say by gently before leaving. Eric looks over his shoulder and waves bye to hope.  Only a couple seconds later Aspen  turns around and blows a kiss softly to help which hope copies. Hope has never leaned onto someone so easily I understand Eric but what's so special about Aspen?

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