Red x Depressed!Reader

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Warning: This story contains depression and if that's a huge thing for you, I advise you to go on to the next one.
Requested by: Skyethefangirl

Category- Fluff at the end and angst in the beginning.
(M/P)=Main Pokémon

(Y/N)'s POV
Red and I were childhood friends. But ever since I went to another region because my parents forced me, we haven't communicated.

It got me so mad. That my parents wanted to take me away just because I told them I had a crush on Red.

They said it was because I was "too young"
I'm 16 for Arceus sake! Was it wrong to have crushes?!

And that's what I told them. But I earned a slap and words that will stain my soul forever.

Once I was old enough I went away from them as soon as possible.

I went back to Kanto and got a house in Viridian City.

I saw Blue a few times but he didn't see me or just didn't care.

I can understand why he wouldn't. I'm ugly. Disgusting. And shouldn't even be alive.

I've been cutting. And it's feels better when I do.

I ran into a doctor one time and they noticed my cutting. So they gave me what I like to call,

Happy Pills.

I take one and they keep me "happy" for like four hours.

I had my (m/p) and took one of my many pills. I decided to go onto Mt. Silver just to have a little exercise and if I'm lucky fall to my death.

As I was climbing with (m/p), it was getting a little cold.

"(M/p). Wanna get in your Poké ball?" I asked, shivering slightly.

(M/p) nodded as I took it back and put the ball in my bag.

Once I was at the top, I had like three sweaters, gloves, a beanie, and a scarf.

I saw a cave when I went to sit down to rest.

"That *huff* was tiring..." I panted. Not really telling anyone in particular.

Suddenly I felt someone's presence near me and jumped to turn around.

It was....Red?

"Red?..." I asked

'Red' looked surprised and nodded slightly before quietly saying, "(y/n)?......."

I nodded and genuinely smiled. I've never felt this before and it felt wonderful.

My cheeks hurt after while of smiling as I saw him walk forward.

Until I frowned when realizing the amount of layers he had.

"Why are you only wearing ONE jacket?! And you have it open, too! Aren't you cold?!" I asked surprised

" it.." He replied slowly.

Suddenly he beckoned to me and I followed as he went inside the cave.

Surprisingly it was kinda warm. It was almost like a house but it was made of rock and holes in a cave.

Red sat down and pat the small rock that was next to the fire.

I sat down and he started to make some tea. It was interesting seeing how he survived.

"Been...awhile.." he said suddenly.

"Y-yeah...sorry. It was because of my parents. I told them I had a crush of y-someone! And they took me away." I replied

Red's expression looked slightly down after I said that.

After a while, I realized it has pasted four hours yet here I was laughing with Red while I told him stories or we would talk. Kinda

I finally got pasted my depression! I was always mad at myself for falling into this internal darkness I had with my negative thoughts.

"Red!" I said while standing suddenly
"I got past my depression! I'm so proud of myself! I don't have to take the pills anymore!"

Red was shocked that I was depressed in the first place. Probably because I was happy the whole visit.

"Come one! Let's go down to my house, ok?" I told him while grabbing his hand and dragging him down the mountain.

Once we were finally off, we entered my house that was mostly unpacked. It had a few boxes here and there but most of the work was already done.

We sat down on the couch and got comfortable.

We started watching a whole bunch of movies and laughing at some parts together. Red would chuckle a little.

Once it was about 10pm, I started falling asleep.

"Red?" I asked tiredly while looking at him

He looked at me in silence. Letting me continue.

"I love you." I told him. Putting all my feelings into those three words and gave him a sincere loving smile.

He smiled back and repeated me.

We fell asleep together on my bed because we moved from the couch.

"I love you too"

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