Dia x Reader

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A/N: Dia has a cafe. I've thought of this AU where all of the poke characters work at Dia's cafe.
Edit: love the song above ^

(C/W/N) - Co-worker name

(Y/N)' POV

I was finished with my office work and was with my co-worker, (C/W/N). We were kinda close and wanted to check out this bakery we haven't seen before. Even though it was there for a while.

I am a huge fan of sweets and tea. They make me feel at peace.

I entered the cafe and saw someone coming towards me.

It was a girl with a big ponytail she looked mature.

"Hello! My name is Hilda and I'll be your waiter today! How many? Also, would you like a table or booth?" She asked

"A booth for two, please" I answered

"Alright!" Hilda beckoned for us to follow her as she lead us to a booth. She handed our menus while saying, "Here are your menus! I'll come back in a bit for your drinks!" She left quickly afterwards.

"What are you going to get?" I asked my co-worker.

"Hmm. I think I'll get something small. We both just came here for a snack. Haha! I'll get some warm moo moo milk. Maybe a muffin, too." (C/W/N) replied

"I think I'll get some pancakes and moo moo milk with some chocolate syrup." I replied. Secretly excited because they looked adorable.

Hilda came back once more and we gave our orders. She came back again 5 minutes afterward with our drinks.

"Here you go!" She said while placing our drinks on the placemat that was set on the table. They had beautiful pictures of cities.

(From the actual Pokémon cafe in Tokyo

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(From the actual Pokémon cafe in Tokyo. This is (Y/N)'s drink.)

The drink set looked nice as I mixed my ingredients. I took a sip and it was wonderful!

"Thank you!" I thanked our waiter.

She smiled and said, "You're welcome! Also, you will have a new waiter coming for your order! Sorry!" 

We smiled at her in reassurance as she swiftly walked away.

I began drinking a little more of my drink while (C/W/N) was gulping her milk.

Another waiter can our way. They wore an interesting hat that I cannot really explain. They also had very kind and captivating eyes.

"Hello! My name is Diamond but call me Dia! Is there anything I could get you?" He asked

(C/W/N) already gave their order while I was lost in his eyes. I was shaken when I realized I was staring.

"S-s-sorry..." I muttered but loud enough so that he could hear.

He giggled. "That's fine! What can I get you?" He asked while holding a notepad with a pen.

"Ah...M-May I have the p-pancakes, please?" I asked, still embarrassed.

"Of course! I'll be right back with your orders!" He stated while smiling at us and leaving.

"Hmmm~?" (C/W/N) asked.

"W-What?" I asked

"You know! What was up with that?? Do you have a crush on him?" (C/W/N) Asked in a teasing tone.

"No!" I accidentally yelled. I whispered 'sorry' to the neighboring tables.

"Really?" She asked sarcastically

"Yes!" I said at a more quieter level

"Doesn't seem like it."

I mentally face palmed

"Get his number!" She blurted

"No! Plus, how would I even do that???" I asked

"Easy! Just ask him when we are paying or something!" She replied.

I groaned.

"I'm not that confident about this..." I stated

"Fine. I'll do it for you." She replied

I was confused but didn't have time to question as our order came

"Here you go! A muffin and pancakes!" Dia placed the plate down with small sides to change the taste to our liking especially (C/W/N). There were things like butter or jam for her.

 There were things like butter or jam for her

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(Also at the Pokémon cafe. I actually tried this. It's really good. It's (Y/N)'s food right now)

I stared at the food at my mouth had saliva ready to break down the bites I would take.

"Thank you." I thanked Dia while shooting him a smile.

I'm not sure, but I think I saw a bit of blush.

I saw (C/W/N) smirking at the corner of my eye.

"Y-you're welcome.." He shyly said

He quietly left when (C/W/N) said her thanks.

I tried to eat in peace but (C/W/N) kept on teasing me.

I groaned once more when I finished.

When Dia came back with the check, (C/W/N) said, "Hey! My friend here would really like your number! She wants to contact you later! But she is too shy to actually ask you!"

I blushed. And so did Dia.

"A-ah! Well, ok!" He replied while handing me a piece of paper. "Here!"

I slowly grabbed it and smiled at him "Thank you!" I was careful to not rip it and put it in my pocket.(or bag if you don't have pockets)

"Y-you're welcome!" He replied

We paid and left. We separated ways as we went our ways to our living places.

I went to my apartment and laid on my bed.

I took out my phone and saved Dia number.

I'll message him in the morning. I'm pretty sure I saw that they wouldn't be open tomorrow. Lucky for me, I also wouldn't be working tomorrow. I can't wait to see him again.

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