Allister x Tsundere!Reader

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A/N: I added a little something to the request and I'm deeply sorry if it is something you don't like. What's happening is that (y/n) went to a hang out with her older sister, Bea. She was pretty good friends with Allister and also doesn't like huge crowds.
Requested by: Burnmybread345
(M/p) = Main Pokemon

(Y/N)'s POV

Bea was gonna go hang out with the other gym leaders so I went with her. It's not like I just didn't want to be alone in the house!!

That whole hang out thing was gonna happen in Raihan's place. Mostly because Hammerlocke is in the middle of Galar.

"Soo" Bea started


"How are you and Allister?" She continued

"Nothing is going on between us! Plus I don't like him at all!" I quickly replied

"Mhm.." she replied sarcastically

Once we were at Hammerlocke, we saw a few other gym leaders that Bea went to talk to.

I stayed slightly behind until I noticed something touch my shoulder.

I quickly span and almost slapped Allister.

"Ah!" Allister freaked

"O-oh! I'm sorry!" I said scared that I hurt him

Until I realized that it looked like I cared.

"I- I mean! It's not like I care about you!" I yelled

Although I still kept this act up, I knew that Allister could see through it. And he smiled.

When we first met, he was extremely scared of me. In the inside, I thought he was really cute and asked Bea about him.

She got suspicious and realized what was going on. Now she teases me.

I talked with Allister while walking to Raihan's room.

Once all the gym leaders were there, everyone was talking.

I don't do so good with big crowds so I went out side onto the battlefield.

There was no one there because today was like a break day for the gym leaders.

I laid in the middle of the field and thought.

I was in the middle of a daydream when I heard someone call my name.

"(Y/n)" ...a faint voice...

"(Y-y/n)!" Allister?

"H-huh?" I asked while getting up quickly

"Are you ok?" He asked

"I'm fine." I said monotonously

"O-oh...I noticed that you weren't in the room. So I got worried..." he quietly said with small tints of blush on his cheeks.

"You're adorable..." I accidentally said out loud.

"W-w-What??" Allister stuttered with more blush.

"I-I-I-I mean! It's not I l-l-like you or anything!!!" I yelled while turning to other way.


I listened

"I like you too!" He replied confidently.

"Y-you do?" I asked

"Y-y-yeah..." he replied

" you." I smiled

We smiled at each other while coming closer by the second.

Once our lips were almost touching I heard a photo snap and zoomed away.

"H-h-huh??" Allister Asked surprised

"Darn it!" Raihan yelled

"I told you to turn off the ringer!" Nessa scolded

"Awww" Leon said in disappointment

"GET OUT!" I yelled while some of them laughed and ran.

I looked back at Allister and smiled.

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