Raihan x Reader

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A/N: I don't think I'm that good with angst so if you don't like it, sorry. Also Raihan and (Y/n) are already together.
Requested by: xXWynter_13Xx

Category: Angst (or at least it's supposed to be)
————————————————————(B/N) = Baby Name
(B/G) = Baby Gender
(F)= Food(you can pick what this is)

(Y/n)'s POV

Raihan went to work after he ate breakfast. When he left I just turned on the tv because I had a break from work this week. I worked at the Pokémon nursery.

While skimming through shows on TV, my stomach started hurting as I felt liquids come to my throat.

I ran to the bathroom and barely made it at the toilet.

I was throwing up and it was terrible.

Once I was sure there wasn't any more vomit, I went in the shower to clean my self.

I got out and was craving (F). I usually don't but I went and got myself some.

Throughout the whole day, it was like this and i was miserable.

I couldn't even eat anything with out throwing up.

In the end, I just drank some water.

"Arceus..."I muttered.

Suddenly the door opened and I yelped

"W-who's there?!" I yelled

"Hey, (Y/n)! You ok?" Raihan asked as he slowly walked closer to me.

He sniffed the air and had a look of disgust and worry. He probably smelled the vomit from the trash can next to me.

"Are you ok? Are you sick?! I smell vomit." He asked

"I'm not sure. But I was vomiting a lot." I replied while sitting down on a chair that was in the kitchen.

"Wanna go to a doctor?" He asked

I nodded

Raihan's POV

We headed to the hospital but they told me to wait in the waiting room.

I was nervous and scared. What is something bad is happening to (Y/n)?!

I kept pacing in the room that nobody else was in.

Finally, they said I could go to her.

I ran to her room and asked if she was ok

"Um...Raihan..."she said slowly

I nodded for her to continue.

"Y-you're going to be a dad!" She said happily

I smiled and hugged her gently

"And it's going to be a (B/G)!" She said while hugging me as well.

"Wanna name them (B/N)?" I asked

"That sounds like a good name!" She exclaimed

8 months later

(Y/n)'s POV

My stomach started hurting and I groaned in pain.We went to the hospital so that I can give birth.

"Push!" And I pushed

"It's ok, (Y/n). It's gonna end soon. Just keep pushing." Raihan said calmly

I held onto his hand tightly as I pushed as hard as I could.

I heard distant crying as I wanted to rest.


I heard with the other small noises I could hear.

Let me rest

I wanna rest

I wanna sleep

And never wake up

Raihan's POV

As the doctors took the baby out. It wasn't crying. It didn't make any noise.

"Is it ok?" I asked

"I'm sorry." The doctor said

"W-What do you mean?" I stuttered

"The baby died" the doctor said

"And so did she"

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