Finding the Villlage Hidden in Leaves?

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Slowly I inched along. My upper right arm was bleeding my thigh was slashed. I was out of breath for running for so long. I hoped I had lost them. I had only one clear goal in mind.

Head to the Village Hidden in Leaves.

My vision went fuzzy I could detect two chakra sources in front of me maybe 60 yards. They had found me. This was the end my attempts had been futile. I had tried so hard to escape but yet I had lost in the end.

My steps began to get more wobbly my breaths more ragged I couldn't go much farther and I knew it but one more step was that much more of a victory against them. They had obviously noticed me. My captors they began heading towards me. My vision blurred and blackened. No. No! NO! One more step one more slight victory. I couldn't see any longer the pain blinded me and then my whole world plunged into darkness.

My senses soon began awakening. I remembered what had happened I had been caught. This time they were going to punish me worse than before. It had been years since I had last tried to escape. I was older now. I had never stopped planning my escape contrary to what they might believe. I had never liked the the 'jobs' they sent me on. Killing people did not make me happy it sickened me but it was me or them. In the end I had always chosen myself but still they never had a choice. They were going to die regardless.

I heard voices in the room they were  not familiar maybe they were newbies.

"A little girl should not be chained up like this. She is injured." It was an old sounding voice.

"Yes, but we don't yet know if she is a threat to the village!" It was a younger voice. My heart jumped at the word village. Did I make it?

"Well, at least get rid of the rope on her legs it's a bit excessive. Just keep one or two Anbu near her till she wakes up." My eyes widened at the word Anbu. This was definitely not the base.

"Yes, Lord Hokage." I opened my eyes to see two men an older man with white hair and a  square hat that is white and red. He is wearing robes that match. He looks old, he must have been the one who was sympathetic for me. The other man was a ninja with a cat mask  on he wasn't very descriptive. I couldn't tell the color or his hair or eyes or anything. Then again I wasn't seeing very well. Everything was slightly blurred.

"When she wakes up bring her to my office." He looked at the ninja straight in the eye."Be gentle with her she is just a little girl." I wish I was just a little girl but I had to be more than that. To survive. The ninja looked back me for after nodding. The Hokage person began to leave.

"Lord Hokage she is awake!"

"Really that was fast!"

"What would you like me to do, sir?"

"Well untie her! She hardly seems comfortable lying there on that blanket." The ninja looked at The Hokage for a second but he reluctantly did as he was told. "Grab us some chairs also."  He smiled at the ninja as if asking him politely the ninja sighed and grabbed some chairs for us. He had to leave the room to grab them.

"Hello." The old man said. He had smile on.

"Hello." I muttered as I sat down on the chair. I looked around the room. It was a cement room that was painted white with grey floors. I had a single light bulb hanging down from the top of the ceiling. There was a blanket in the corner where I had been. I'm glad they didn't throw me on the cement. The door was made of metal and had a small window and a little cubby hole obviously meant to transport food in and out. There was also a mirror to my back. I couldn't see it but I had caught a glimpse when I was heading to my chair. It was a prison cell.

"Let's begin then, What's you name." I rubbed my wrist from where my chains had been they had been nice enough to remove them, but there were 5 more Anbu in the room. A total of 6.

A little more than doomed (Naruto Fanfic) ~completed~Where stories live. Discover now