Testing to be a ninja in the Hidden Leaf?

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"I promise one day I will get us out of here we will be free again." I cried looking at him unable to talk to him and him unable to listen.

"Little lady your sessions up." The guard dragged me away. From the one person that matter the one person whose thought alone kept me going. The person I was fighting for.

I woke up from my horrible dream of a memory. I looked at the clock roughly three hours till Tenten came over. I decided to get up instead of mope around in my bed. It was still dark when I looked out the window. It was so peaceful. At the bosses place it was always so loud. The screams of the damned who had gotten trapped in there. I was lucky to escape. They were too sure I wouldn't escape. After I had found out the truth there was no was I wouldn't I had taken my mothers advice and escaped.

A tear fell down my cheeks. I noticed they were coming at a furious rate. I didn't make any move to stop them. I let them fall.

Stop crying Kiwayo, stop it. You are stronger than that. I tried to convince myself. I didn't listen. I suddenly heard a loud crash from next door. Were they okay? What happened? I didn't hear anything else so I assumed they were fine.

I looked around the apartment. I looked for good places to hide weapons.

~~The Anbu who's watching Kiwayo Pov~~

I spied at her through her window. There wasn't any curtains which made it easier to observe her. She was asleep but seemed to be having a nightmare. I would have to report that to the hokage. Why did I have to get stuck with watching some girl sleep. I looked back over at her. She had woken up. She seemed to survey the area. She walked up to the window. You could see in her face she was shaken up. She stared at the darkness before she began crying. She just let the tears fall. Did she even notice them? I felt bad for her she must have been through a lot.

I suddenly heard a crash from the apartment over. She seemed to have noticed it also. If I wasn't mistaken the person in the apartment next to her was Naruto, that demon. He is good for nothing. All he bring is misfortune. The little girl would do best to stay away from that demon. I hope someone warns her. If she made friends with the demon I would say she's probably a threat to the village. After all people of the same kind stick together. I don't think she's an enemy. Well, we will have to see.

A smile played across my face. Maybe this wasn't as boring as I had thought it was.

~~Kiwayo's Pov~~

I began hiding a few weapons. After I was done with that I started cleaning. I couldn't take a shower till later as to not disturb my neighbors. I looked around the room satisfied with the cleaning job I had done. What was I to do now? Maybe I could train... no, I couldn't tire myself out before Tenten gets here to test me. I looked around the apartment. 

Paper! I found it in the kitchen in one of the cabinets i'm not using. I can now make origami. I started making some paper boxes I could keep some of my stuff in them. They didn't turn out too big. I couldn't put too much in them. What should I do with the rest of the paper?

My mind keeps flashing back to my nightmare last night. Think of the positive. I know I could make some friends.

I tried to remember how to make little piglets. A nice lady had shown me a while ago. It took me three or four tries to get it right. It looked good when I was done. I made two more. They were triplets. Get it triplet piglets!

I put them on the table. I really like pigs. They can go on in a silly manner regardless. That didn't mean I don't eat pork. I like the idea and taste of pigs. I smiled thinking about meat. Oh, maybe I can draw if I find a pencil or something. I remember we bought some yesterday for ninja school. I hope I'm good enough to even be in ninja school.

A little more than doomed (Naruto Fanfic) ~completed~Where stories live. Discover now