Making friends in the Hidden Leaf?

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I sat next to the Shikamaru boy. Disappointed I looked towards Sakura she was staring at Sasuke I guess that was understandable. He was pretty cute. NO, Kiwayo don't think that. He's Sakua's I absolutely can't like him.

Sakura explained to me earlier today what it meant that he was hers and the whole crush thing. Apparently I need to find a crush soon. She said she would approve of him before I made my official crush. This was so exciting. I really like Sakura.

Iruka-sensei soon began on the subject of today. I made sure to pay extra attention. Some of it was familiar and some was completely new. More was familiar than not.

The school bell for lunch rang later in the day.

"Sakura do you want to eat together." She looked at Sasuke and then me again. She sighed and came over to me.

"I'll eat with you this time. However tomorrow I'm gonna go out and try to investigate where Sasuke eats his lunch. Okay?"

"Sounds good." We walked out of the class room towards some benches outside. The weather was glorious.

"Do you like anyone yet?" Sakura questioned me eating some rice.

"I have a couple of candidates." I tried to remember their names.

"Go on then tell me." I could tell Sakura didn't get much girl talk. She was very eager to hear my candidates.

"The first one is Shikamaru, the one I sit next to h-." Sakura cut me off before I could continue.

"He's really lazy. A terrible crush." I threw that candidate out the window.

"Oh, okay well on with the next one. The Kiba guy with the dog and the marks on his face." This time I waited for her feedback instead of letting her interrupt me. She responded quickly.

"No way he's a total flirt. No girl would date him."

"Well, I have one more."  I stopped for a second a bit nervous. I didn't like him too much.

"Well, go on."

"Shino, he looks-"

"Definitely not especially not him. He," Sakura shivers. "fights with bugs and is super creepy."

"I'm out of ideas." I sighed and ate my favorite dish 'Kiwayo surprise'.

"It takes time I guess." She was obviously disappointed. "What about Sasuke you don't like him after seeing him right?" She moved to face me.

"No way. I definitely won't have a crush on him. He's yours Sakura."

"Seems like you have learned the way of the Leaf village so soon." Sakura talked to me for the rest of lunch. I found out she's an only child. Also strangely enough neither her mom or her dad have pink hair. Her dad's wasn't really pink. She didn't count his hair as pink at least. She said she didn't know how to describe his hair. Our conversation revolved around her dad's hair for a couple of minutes.

"Sakura, are we friends?"

"Of course!" I smiled and hugged Sakura she seemed a little surprised by the hug but hugged me back. I had hoped we could be friends. The bell to get back to class rang. We quickly hurried back to put our lunch boxes away and meet on the training yard.

"Today we will practicing stealth." Iruka-sensei paused for a second because Naruto was goofing around. He should be more serious about being a ninja. Sakura had told me he was so irresponsible.

"We will be playing a game to practice stealth. It's called Ninja-out. You will be paired into groups of two. You and your partner will have to grab as many of these bands that will be strung around your and your opponents waist. The only way to take it of is to click the button in the back. You will have to sneak up on your opponents. To take them. You can not use any other means to take them off." We all nodded in understanding.

A little more than doomed (Naruto Fanfic) ~completed~Where stories live. Discover now