21. Betrayal

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I turn and face Mr. Sal... Eleandro with a hundred questions running in my mind and if you think I'm exaggerating think again.

After what happened in front of Jenna it is better if I call him Eleandro instead of Mr Salvis.

Jenna's words repeat in my mind again and again. But I don't feel angered or even curious.

I feel betrayed because when I look him in his eyes he looks away and I know that he is at fault. He has been hiding this. He has been lying. I don't know how this happened but over three days his actions and words had won my trust. I didn't choose to trust him but it happened.

When last night he answered my questions so truthfully I thought we made a bond of mutual trust but now when I look at him all I can see is betrayal.

I don't confront him. I don't ask him what more lies he has fed his family and me. I don't face him anymore instead I walk in the same direction where Jenna had gone assuming it would lead me to the backyard so I don't have to face a certain somebody any more.

I hear footsteps following me and I know its him but neither of us says anything to each other. He because maybe he is ashamed or more likely too proud to accept his mistake. Me because I am a coward to face him or preferably too tired of people breaking my trust.

I remember when I asked him if I can trust him and he gave me a vague reply.

I don't know if you can but you should.

What did he want to convey? I should trust him so that he can come and backstab me? He knows about my past. He knows that it's hard for me to trust people easily but still he made me feel again what's it like to be betrayed. What's it's like to be backstabbed.

My feet find their own way while my brain deals with the battle going on in my mind and soon enough I come across a beautiful garden area. As soon as I step in the open area I inhale deeply as if the walls inside were suffocating me. My chaotic mind comes to a halt as my eyes capture the heavenly set up in front of me.

A stone pathway leading to the center of the garden where a shed is present. Inside the shed, a breakfast table has been perfectly organized for five persons. The pillars of the shed on the four corners are covered with flowering creepers and the perimeter of half the shed is covered with flower beds while the other half is just grass. I stand there mesmerized by its beauty.

"Good morning, Daphne. I hope you had a comfortable night. " I hear Suzzane speaking from beside me.

Instantly I remember yesterday night's incidents and my heartbeat fastens. I see Eleandro standing beside Jenna who is saying something but his eyes are focused on me.

I turn to Suzzane with a strained smile and tell her the answer she is expecting to hear, "Yes I had a beautiful sleep. The weather here compared to London is so much better. "

She smiles back warmly at me. "Yes, I know. I have been to London a couple of times and let's just say, London isn't my place. " She grimaces at the end and I can tell it's because of the accident that she doesn't like London anymore.

"But however it is London is still the place Andro lives and I can't help but visit it when distance becomes unbearable. One and a half years back when Andro decided to shift to London and work from there, I couldn't understand why and especially the reasons he gave were so idiotic but now I understand why he was so adamant to go to London. " She gives me a knowing smile and I catch up it's me. The reason.

Mr. Eleandro Salvis shifted from New York to London one and a half years before for me without me knowing.

Knowing all of these things just messes up more with my mind. When I signed the contract I thought it will easily. Six months together and then move on. A new life. But here everything just tangles up.

Suzzane who thinks her son is in love and now has her hopes up.

Eleandro's father, Tyler whom I don't like even before meeting him.

Jenna who is so observant about everything I say or do.

Eleandro who is so mysterious and doesn't like opening about himself. The few things I know about him just makes me go crazier.

I look at Eleandro who is still standing with Jenna but now his attention is not on me but instead of the person entering the garden.

Wearing a grey suit with thin black checks enters a man who looks very identical to Mr Salvis. Tyler. The way he walks already tell us how confident he is about himself. We hair brushed to perfection and eyes shining bright Senior Mr. Salvis is a fine man. Too bad his personality doesn't match his looks.

He comes and stands beside Suzzane while his one hand automatically goes around Suzzane's waist. Eleandro and Jenna also joins us. I look at Eleandro and see his eyes fixed at his father with a cold glare. Keeping at my insecurities and questions aside I slip my hand in his and give it a tight squeeze.

I may have my doubts but right now this isn't about me. It is about him and no matter what I will support him.

Senior Mr. Salvis turns to us after greeting his wife a good morning and smiles warmly. If I didn't know about him beforehand I would have taken him for a good caring husband and family man. " Hello young lady, you must be Yvonne, Eleandro's fiancee. I see finally this young man has decided to let us meet up. Honestly, I used to think that he just made you up. "

Okay. Who the heck is Yoven... Whatever he said?

My question is answered by Jenna who is looking at her father with a disappointed look. "Dad, her name isn't Yvonne, it's Daphne. Yvonne must be the name of the lady you went to a date with, yesterday. "

My eyes become the size of a watermelon while Suzzane gasps in the background, Jenna looking sympathetically at Suzzane and Eleandro shooting daggers at Mr. Salvis whereas Mr. Salvis just glare at them both. Looking at the two siblings I can only remember what Suzzane had told me the other day.

Jenna and him have always been close even though they are so different.

And just like that, I have a clear image of how this breakfast is going to be.

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