03 | Three Rules

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Saint Maria High School had its students split into three-not literally, please( I hate horror movies)-the arts, the science, and the commercials. I was going to be a Banker; hence the commercial class.

"Hey, Omotara!"

"Hi, Martin." Martin was cute, shiny brown skin, very dark eyebrows, and stuff, but... you know I wasn't interested in him - not even a crush. Probably because he never really dressed spiffing to school, which made me cringe when I saw his shirt this morning. Wow! Those gators could trim my nails.

"You look good today." Actually, he looked good. I didn't fail to notice his gelled hair too.


Someone's doing some upgrade.

"How was your night?" His eyes widened and he smiled. He had a cute smile too.

"It was..." I looked up and stroked my chin. "...thoughtful. Yea, it was thoughtful." I said.

"Omotara, can I tell you something?' He said, looking me in the eyes.


When guys say 'something', know they're up to no good! It's a fucking relationship! No, not necessarily a fucking relationship - if you know what I'm saying.

"I did not hear you." I feigned momentary deafness.

"I wish to tell you something important, Omotara." He repeated loudly, but I could tell he was heating up.

Go ahead and wish, my little Cinderella Man!

"Oh! Okay, go ahead then." I smiled extremely widely. May I gladly say I like what girls do to boys; especially the pretty ones. They make their heads roll-not literally-Oh God, what's with me and horrible pictures?

"It's too noisy here can we... ahem... go out?" He wiped a bead of sweat from his forehead. I could tell he was anxious and at that moment I wished it wasn't me he liked: such a tragedy.

Why can't you say it here! Damn you! I was screaming internally.

My answer is no anyway. I don't know why many guys think there should be a perfect 'atmosphere' to tell girls their feelings.

I mean-it's even more attractive to seize or take advantage of what's happening at that moment to express your admiration and supposed "love". Trust me, if he had done that, he'd have knocked me head over heels. I'd be drooling, but I'd still say no in the end.

"How about when school ends today?" I suggested, noticing the uneasiness and weird atmosphere 'Mr. Romantic' was trying to create.

"Err... Okay... Much better." I could tell he wanted to tell me right then, but a little procrastination wouldn't hurt, would it? Nah.

He pulled a smile from the bottomless pit of hell and flashed it at me as he walked away. God! Oh God! If I wasn't this uptight I'd fall right in his arms. Boys, oh, boys!

But hey, maybe... just maybe I could start a relationship series in the school magazine. Hm. I could picture it already...

How To Ask A Girl Out?
Disclaimer: This rule is not applicable to me!

RULE NO. 1: Take advantage of the moment. Ask her there and then(if you can, good. If you cannot, fuck off!)

RULE NO. 2: Don't give her ideas. She mustn't know your intentions beforehand(Very important. Surprise her, dummy)

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