30 | A Doppelganger

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The door knob was squeezed and the door flew open—but I was already a boy.

"Hey, I'm T—" My tongue hooked literally, my eyes flashed bold like the sun. "I'm going to pretend I'm still alive." I blurted, swallowing.

"You're alive, bro." A new, refreshing voice said.

My legs shook, he had a stronger bass voice than Chizutere. Omotara why are your legs(of all places) shaking? It was then that it hit me! I was a boy!

"Bro." I said, smiling exaggeratedly, but not hiding my confusion. Chizutere was a twin. CHIZUTERE. WAS. A. TWIN! "I'm a bro, alright? Err— I'm a bro." I cleared my throat. Reminding myself not to fall down and worship at the feet of Chizutere's beautiful twin. "You're beautiful." I said, unable to keep my mouth shut. The shirt I'd worn hadn't fit, but I had folded it up to my elbows in big, oversized folds. And I was wearing a trouser that swallowed my legs in its magnificence—but that was the least of my concerns, there were two cute boys who had the same eyes, nose, lips and jaws standing in front of me, and one was cuter! The new one!

The new one had more slanting eyes and more shiny lips, but they were the same shades of black—skinwise. I gulped. Satan, your plan wouldn't work! I knew coming to this house would be a temptation. I knew it! I knew I wasn't safe.

Imagine your irresistible, stupid, spoilt, lunatic crush having a twin... girl you're crushed!

That's what was happening to me right at that moment.

"You're wearing my clothes." He laughed very loudly I almost laughed at myself. "And yes, I get that a lot." Oh, a man with a high self esteem! I smell my honeymoon somewhere around the corner!

God, his teeth were white! Pure white! It was then I remembered I had never really noticed Chizutere's teeth. Were they white?

"Chizutere are your teeth white?" It blurted out my mouth before I could continue thinking about it.

"What?" He answered.

His twin laughed. Once unsure, as soon as I saw the smile on his brother's face, I smiled satisfactorily.

"You're funny, guy."

"She's not a guy she's a girl."

The air stood still. My heart stood still. I'm sure the blood in my veins took cue too and did the needful. His brother turned and looked at him. I murdered Chizutere with my eyes in 500,000 alternative universes. I did. Oh I did!

His brother turned to me, almost expressionless, but I could read his mind. He was expecting me to say something. I smiled and shrugged. "Do I have to pull my pantie for you to believe?" I blurted.

"No!" He raised his hands to block his eyes like I had already pulled them. I giggled.

"You're a dramatic stock, I see."

"I'm serious lady, keep that pantie in place."

I burst out in laughter. He was fun!

"I'm Lotachi." He stretched his hand.


We shook hands.

"What is this internal heat within me that tells me we'll be good friends?" He asked, squinting so unnecessarily it was definitely dramatic.

"It's the internal heat of destiny."

"You're mad."

"You're mad too."

He lifted up his hands, just the way Jesus lifted up his hands when multiplying the five loaves and two fishes(abi is it three?) "We're mad together."

I burst out in laughter.

"You'd love to go shopping?"

"Sure. But after I've planned a certain someone's murder."

His brow shot up. Now he showed an expression I liked—interest.

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