19 | Back To The Beginning

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I was rushed to the hospital... I mean, I wasn't rushed to the hospital. I more like, rushed someone to the hospital-in every sense of the word. I had rescued a girl from dying today, but I didn't feel like a superhero; I felt miserable.

She had stabbed herself in the belly. The belly of all places, and I was horrified. I hadn't even settled down considering the fact it was two weeks into resumption and I had officially called my sweet holiday to an abrupt end.

I found her in a bushy path a few metres away from the hostel, ask me what I came there to do there and you'd get practically blown off that I could do such a thing.

Okay, so, as shameful as it may seem. I came there to ease myself.

Don't blame me, I've never been the easing-myself-on-the-road kinda person. Ew(now this sounds fake) But there come times in your life when being proper wouldn't save you. I mean, my bladder was bound to explode! And the school toilet was under a 6 hour long renovation. And, okay! There was a free toilet there, just one, but some men where working there. The plumbers and stuff like that, and they were not old men who'd probably not be interested in young girls and whatever is beyond their skirts, but they were young men! Moreso, one was a teenager, probably three years older than me. I definitely didn't want to give anyone an excuse to 'see a fine girl peeing'.

Other girls were quite comfortable with it, as they said it wasn't close as much to where they worked, which was technically true. They worked on the half side of the toilet batch compartment, but that was still the more unsettling for me.

And just when I was about to do the unspeakable in the bush, lo, I saw her; all buckled up and hunched over, red liquid-that I never believed was blood until like one twenty seconds later-pouring down her fingers as she clutched her tummy, and made noiseless gasps, and then I saw a knife hanging on her belly.

I don't know whether I executed my dirty little secret or whether I was absent-minded when I walked to her(I'd take it I ran, because walking was highly unlikely). But I know I screamed when I realized I and her tummy were practically struggling with the knife. She screamed. We both screamed! It was like we were both possessed by a demon. I screamed from the shock that had impaled my mind and made me look like a fool.

Then I screamed louder, even to tears when I realized my hands had blood them. God! It was so warm! I was having a panic attack, I couldn't control my heartbeat too, I was dying. A sharp pain shot through my head and I couldn't think straight. At that moment, I felt like I had committed a murder.

I stared at her with horror-filled eyes and screamed, running away. That is one of my most regretful moments, I was running away. I always thought I was brave.

Some say when I got to the Hostel Mistress's quarters I fainted. I've still never believed it till today.

Now, my shivering frame sat on the metal chair that hurt my butt as tears ran down from my eyes. My butt really hurt-considering the fact that I wasn't fat-assed-but I didn't care, all I cared was about that girl that screamed into my soul. Mucous drooled from my nostrils as I drew them in and whimpered and sobbed again. I had been there for like ten minutes.

Oh lord, let her not die. I'd be a murderer.

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