35 | Too Far

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It was my first night in school, after I had resumed, and I sat on exactly the third column, the third row bench where I always sat(of course, with Lewechi whispering stories of how I missed this person's expulsion, that person's choking experience, the other person's break-up and all that nonsense).

The refectory was as I remembered; scenting like fried rice even when fried rice was not cooked, dark brown mahogany benches and tables, with the tree rings still on them. We were all having dinner. Peppery stew that made me drink water till my belly became a septic tank, and rice that seemed more like ofada rice than rice. I winced and pushed the food to Doro. A new girl whom I had met at the door excitedly looking at me and smiling.

"Why... are you looking at me?" I had asked. When I noticed her, staring as though I was a god or a comedian.

"You're beautiful." She'd said in this tiny JSS1 voice that made me think of my days in JSS1. But, I wondered why I was beautiful only in the dining. I had seen this same girl earlier today and she'd passed me like I was the worst shit ever shat.

Anyways, I'd said. "Thank you... what is your name?"


"Thank you, Dorothy."

She was sitting two persons away from me, on the opposite bench. I looked at her. She was still smiling at me. I passed my food to her. She gladly received it and downed it like she was my pet dog.

A sylph-like student in her tall grace and beautiful oblong face glory with very dark skin, Senior Zainab, walked up front. Silence became a thing I could feel and touch in that room. There was not even one shuffle of feet or cracking of knuckles. Everything was dead, so to speak! "Girls! Let's welcome Omotara back to the family."

Family? You guys sure as hell are not my family! Or maybe you are...

Someone quickly stood up and walked to senior Zainab. It was Charis and that made me mad. I couldn't help but notice her behind had become thicker and that made me even madder! Charis was a girl with a terrible self esteem, who prided herself on the size of her butt. I think that's the most pathetic thing.

The buttocks(which are just an accumulation of fat, split in the mid-section) are only useful for three things:
i) shitting,
ii) sitting,
iii) sex

So, it's either she loves sitting in the toilet, or she loves sitting at all(which I'm sure she doesn't) or she's a sex doll. If she's not any of these things, she shouldn't pride herself at all. Seriously, no girl should. It's stupidity!

She whispered something into Senior Zainab's ear, and Senior Zainab seemed to be listening attentively and nodding! And then she moved away. Charis stood in front of us now. What the hell did she want to say now?!

"Girls. We all know the story. Our dear Omotara had a few mental issues, as always. But she's back now. We've always known that something was wrong. She was never always alright..." Everywhere was as silent as a grave, and a few young heads turn to me. I boiled. "It was tough, it was hard, and no be lie we missed her vibes in the hostel, and the school paper, but like we all know. Her vibes have been replaced with mine."

I got up, ready to fight-What nonsense!-when Lewechi pulled me back. She was able to pull me quick before I attracted any much attention.

"That's what she wants, ignore her." She whispered. "I will deal with her."

She continued. "While she still recuperates and tries to regain her mental balance which is not really possible due to the chronic mental condition she has, I assure you, as future refectory perfect..." What?! "And press club editor-in-chief everything will be taken care of. Thank you. Let's all rise up as we celebrate the survivor, Omotara Bankole!"

The students clapped. I couldn't believe my ears. Why were they clapping. Why were they standing. Abi na ment? Even Senior Zainab clapped. I wonder why she didn't see anything wrong in what that idiot just said. I cracked up a smile, a half smile, that was obviously fake, but I had to smile. I watched her, walk so majestically to her seat, and imagined a world where boys did not have to imagine sex when they saw a girl or desire her at all because of how big her buttock was. A world where a girl is not reduced to a bouncing castle with a vagina, a world where girls thought less of their buttocks when it came to esteem and self worth, and generally everything.

"Don't mind her, she's a bitch." Lewechi came to my side. "Shebi she wants to showcase that ass. I'll showcase it for her."

I turned quickly. "I have a better idea."


No. My idea was bad. I was planning to murder her in her sleep.

356 seconds later and I was hiding behind the refectory, with Lewechi in front of me. The mastermind. I was wondering what we were waiting for. She popped her head out of the side of the building, and I popped my head out too. She popped it back, and I did the same.

"What are we doing?"

"Shhh." She shunned me.

Just then I saw three girls sneaking out, with clothes, towel, brush, bucket, basin, toothbrush and toothpaste in very mischievous manners, whispering to themselves and shining their teeth as they tiptoed off. Lewechi smiled.

"Let's see how she gets to the hostel now."

It was then I realized...

"Wait. You..."

"Hired the girls. Yes! We just give them little provisions and monies so that they would help us steal things from other girls while they're bathing. And the girls would go to their rooms naked!" Lewechi said, excitedly.

So, someone had paid them the time they did it to me? Jesus! Who the hell was that? How come I didn't know about this before now? Saint Maria sure held lots of surprises.

"But that's not all." Lewechi laughed, I was getting unnerved already. She pointed to the fence not to far from the blackened part of the wall close to the kitchen.

A herd of boys were there, and wait, were those phones I was seeing there?

That was when I realized Lewechi went too far.

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