Come back

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Todoroki's pov*


He never calls me by my name. What happened to Icyhot or Half n half or Pokeball or Canadian flag? Always some sorta nickname.

He must be really serious about this, but why? "But I've put you through too much trouble and bothered you way too much and...and you cooked all that soup... I couldn't do something as simple as eating it. Im right to be sorry."

Bakugou pushed me back gently to look straight at me his eyes narrowing a bit at first but his face seemed to soften a bit after he started talking "Who said you were bothering me or being a trouble? I'm helping you because I want to, you have absolutely nothing to feel sorry about."

I looked down to my lap "but what about..."

"That was my fault I shouldn't have made you eat that much, we clearly need to take this eating thing slow" Bakugou ran one hand through his own hair then looking back at me. "Come on let's get outta the bathroom, it's uncomfortable as hell in here"

I looked up quickly nodding then looking back down to my lap. This still feels weird, someone making such an effort to help me. I can't remember anyone who has. My siblings were kind to me but never questioned my frequent injuries or stuck by to actually make sure I ate my food. I used to cry for my siblings to help me during training or after when I was younger. It was selfish I know but to be honest most of the time I just wanted one of them to give me a hug and tell me it was ok. It didn't happen though, when I cried or called during training I was only hit harder so eventually I stopped completely.

My other friends are the same like Midoriya, he's got a big heart and everything but never looks close enough. He believes all the lies I tell with out question. Or maybe he doesn't but just chooses not to ask anymore questions.

Bakugou stood up offering his hand which I took pulling my self up whispering a quiet "thanks".

We walked out me trailing right behind him. Bakugou picked up the tray off of my bed looking up at me. I glanced at the tray lowering my head to look at the ground.

"Seriously, it's fine, stop with the guilty eyes." He walked past me opening our door "I'm going take this down stairs then maybe we can talk"

Before he closed our door behind him I stopped it making him look back at me.

"Can I come?"

"I'll be right back" Bakugou replied adjusting the tray in his hands.

"I know but..." I actually don't really want him to know why I was go with him. The voices. I've already worried and bothered him too much, I don't know how he could say otherwise.

I know it's weird but when I'm with him the voice quiets down. It still talks but not as much and it's not as loud. I probably sound like some sorta needy little kid, but I don't want him to leave me alone. That's when it's the loudest. When I'm alone it's just me and my thoughts one on one and I always lose. "Can I please just go with you"

Bakugou looked at me a second then turned around "Sure, come on" and began walking away.

I quickly grabbed the hoodie off the floor closing our door and pulling the hoodie on before catching up with him. Or at least trying to. He had already gotten most of the way down the hallway and I was practically stumbling on my feet to catch up.

Once I had gotten closer to him I reached out grabbing his arm. He immediately stopped looking back at me with a glare, he took a deep breath as if he were about to break out into another one of his fits of screaming. Seeing this I let go of his arm backing up "I'm sorry"

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