Little Birdie

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Gonna say this ahead of time this whole chapter is hotwings (hawksxdabi) and I don't know how important it is to the actual story line probably not very I just have grown addicted to the ship and wanted to write some of it. I've read like most of the good books and now I have nothing (。ŏ﹏ŏ).

Hawk's pov*

Shit! I'm late. I'm late. I'm late.

I guess pulling a few all nighters really bites you in the ass eventually. God damnit the pro's were supposed to get there early and here I am at least five minutes after the attack was supposed to happen.

I rushed through the house throwing on my hero costume. I don't even have time to take a shower let alone tend to my wings.

Why do I do this to myself? I opened the balcony door stretching my wings to their full capacity preparing them for flight. I was off the ground quick like and soaring through the sky.

Well on the bright side Endeavor can't lecture me about that shit any more. I fucking hate that guy, to think I looked up to him when I was a kid. Fuck that man was my god damn idol, that was until I got a little older and realized how much of a dick he is, and how he treats his family.

If it weren't for him Touya would still be...

Maybe I shouldn't be thinking about that right now. I should think about battle...strategy. I wonder if we're winning. I mean from what I could tell we have the odds in our favor, I've missed quite a few of the meetings because of other hero work. We got some strong ass kids fighting and I heard they got one of the members of the lov on their side. Although I still don't know who, it seems like they're keeping details from me about that.

Thinking of the members I can't really even begin to sort out which ones would help us. None as far as I'm concerned. Well twice may depending but most likely he'd change his mind is five seconds. Who else? The crazy blonde is to....I don't even know but she wouldn't side with us. Dabi hates hero's from what I can tell so he's kinda out of the picture.

Thinking back to the fact that I'm so god damn late I sped up the pace.

When I arrived at the building I flew through a hole in the ceiling that probably is a result of today's fight. I stayed in the air just observing for a second. They were still head to head with the league. Most were taking on either Nomu's or Twice doubles. The brown haired girl was being carried out by Midnight as Aizawa and Cementos were escorting out who I assume is this 'Aito' kid.

Todoroki and Bakugou weren't anywhere is sight so I assumed that Bakugou succeeded in getting him out. He was most likely being helped by the medics outside.

One thing did seem to catch my eye above all. That insane pyromaniac Dabi was standing slightly to the side doing nothing. He just stood there, or maybe he was planning something. I feel like normally he'd be in the center of the chaos torching everything in sight.

My eyes narrowed, what the hell is he doing?

Might as well find out. I dove in his direction going as fast as I could but somehow he still managed to dodge me.

"What the actual fuck?" He said a bit off guard. "Oh it you the chicken hero..."

My glare harshened, "I'm not a chicken!" I went to punch him but he caught my fist grabbing my jacket and pulling me closer. For some reason my heart rate sped up, what the fuck? His eyebrow was raised as he gave a smirk in what seemed to be amusement.

"Well 'not a chicken' if I were you I...." I didn't let him get the sentence out before I kicked his feet from under him tackling him. I'd heard enough villian speeches that started like that to know where is was going.

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