Chapter 9: Hurts...

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A month later....
Y/n POV:

On my way to the school, I saw two familiar figures it turns out its Nayeon and Tae. And...


Then, my eyes became blurry. I noticed I was crying. I immediately speed walk so I won't see them being lovey dovey.

I saw Dahyun,Tzuyu and Sana at the gate. Maybe waiting for me.

"Hey g-guys" shit my voice cracked.
"Yah! Are you crying? Why?" Tzuyu said. Just then I saw Jihyo unnie walking to us with..


"Yah! Why are you crying?" Jihyo said with a worried face.
"I'm fine.." Tzuyu just looked at me suspiciously. *sigh* i'll never escape to this yoda.


The bell rang, so me,Dahyun and Tzuyu went to our classroom cause Sana is with Jihyo. They're a year older that us. Me and Dahyun sat to our seats and chatted. Suddenly, the door bursted open and I saw... Nayeon and Taehyung. Fuck, forgot They're my "classmates" ugh!

"Y/n... rumors, They're together.." Dahyun said.
I scoffed "its still a rumor. There's no evidence They're together...but.." I saw them as I finished my sentence. But..what i saw broke my heart into million of pieces. Nayeon kissed Taehyung in the cheek. My eyes became teary. Then the professor went in and started our discussion. The whole time i was staring at Nayeon.

Why did you made me feel this way?

Why does it hurt?

It hurts...

I hate this feeling...

My thoughts were interrupted when the teacher scolds me for not listening.

"Y/n! Are you listening?" He said. Angrily. Ugh...
Everybody's attention is now on me. And her too...
"Answer this question and i'll let you off the hook."
The end I answered it correctly..


Its break time, I saw my friends at the table waiting for me. I sat beside dahyun and Tzuyu. While we are eating and talking. I heard a very familiar laugh beside us...

Its Nayeon and Tae laughing. It made my blood boil and struck a cold look. They noticed my coldness and eventually when they saw why. They shut up for a minute.

"Guys..can we go to the rooftop?" I said with a hint of coldness in my voice. We went to the rooftop. As I was going to stand, me and Nayeon have an eye contact. I gave her a cold stare, while she gave a...I dunno I can't explain it, its kinda full of love?

Once we open the door to the rooftop, the wind breeze came contact with my skin. Eyes closed, i started reminiscing about my feelings for her, how it started, and how it grew. I didn't noticed that all of them are gone. They really understood me. Aww...

Then I felt a sharp pain on my chest,

" really hurts when you fell inlove with the person that will never be yours...yet.." then i collapsed in the ground..

Hurts(Nayeon × Reader)✔Where stories live. Discover now