The next day

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Kylo woke up with Leona still sleeping by his side, she was the one that stopped the nightmare Kylo had. Kylo smiled down softly at her and her eyes fluttered open to see Kylo smiling at her, and she smiles back at Kylo and said, "good morning Kylo. Slept well?" Kylo replied, "yes, I did, thank you Leona. It's a miracle that Hux named you my personal nurse. But I'll promote you out the medical field and into assistant jobs will have your name on them." Kylo promoted Leona to his personal assistant.  "You know, Kylo, with or without a scar, you're pretty goddamn handsome and it just says something." Leona says, and Kylo replied "why thank you, Leona, you're so gentle, sweet and beautiful. I think you'll like working beside me as my assistant. Would you like that?"  Leona replies, "I would like that, Kylo. Better than the job I currently have, that's for sure, but please say to your men, about my emotional instability. I should've told you before about that. I, like you, anger easily. But with all due respect, I have a second stage, remorse and sadness... I'm always sorry for the anger, and after anger and sadness, after crying to calm down, comes fatigue. Just a heads up Kylo. I wish to control it better. But when I'm working with you, I'd control the emotional instability a bit better, I think we should make each other better people." Kylo kneels down to her height level and says, "I'm going to do that over the PA announcement system. You rest up, I'll be a few hours, your work starts tomorrow at 0800 hours, be sharp." Leona just nods and goes to her quarters, next door to Kylo.

As Leona slept, Kylo and Hux worked together with delivering a heads up to their stormtroopers about Leona's emotional instability, and this is what they said. (look to the bold scripted text.)

Hux: listen men, we have called you here to discuss and give you all a heads up, our recent new hire, means no harm to any of you, she's a beautiful yet delicate soul.

Kylo: I have been speaking to Leona earlier, she told me about her emotional instability. She told me that this emotional instability comes in threes. I'd advise you all, to be careful with what you say to Leona.

Hux: if you guys see it happening, alert myself or Kylo. If someone bullies her, she'll get set off, and she will pummel you senseless, in pure uncontrollable anger, which is stage 1, later she regrets it, and in remorse, she'll enter stage 2, extreme sadness and regret, when this happens, alert Kylo and myself right away, or then again, Kylo can sense it as he is Force Sensitive. She will cry until stage 3 kicks in, fatigue. Kylo can sing, and he'll sing her to sleep.

Kylo: of any of you see Leona being bullied, report to us before the instability sets in, that way we can help her quicker.

Hux: we wish to protect Leona at all costs, so be kind to Leona, she's so sensitive to insults as well, that's another thing that sets her off.

The stormtroopers agree, all except the higher rank stormtroopers, they're the disrespectful stormtroopers. They're disrespectful to Kylo and Hux, Kylo feared that the higher rank stormtroopers would target her, like they already disrespect Kylo and Hux.

Leona was relieved to hear from Kylo and Hux that they succeeded in giving the stormtroopers the head up about her emotional instability. The white pure armour troops were respectful about it, but the higher rank stormtroopers weren't happy. They wanted to make a fool out of the newly promoted Leona from the medical field, to personal assistant to Kylo Ren. Because she wears glasses, and is a Lord of the Rings fan, she's still prone to being victimised by bullying.

Kylo saw she went in to a deep sleep after she reads a book she borrowed from the First Order library.

"Good night, Leona darling." Kylo softly says to Leona.

Cries of the Wounded (Kylo Ren X Nurse!reader Leona)Where stories live. Discover now