1. The First Meeting

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"Are you sure you can carry all these things by yourself?" Mum asked me, shooting me a look of uncertainty. I was carrying a box filled with some materials planned for my volunteering event later. I volunteer weekly at the children's playroom in a hospital catered for the young cancer patients. This was my first time organising an event all by myself and I was really nervous about how things would end up. "Oh yeah, I can," I told my mum, giving her a not so convincing smile. "I guess," I added softly. Hope all things will go well today for me, I thought to myself. My parents would always drop me off for school and of course, my volunteering sessions. 

Okay some facts about me, I am an ordinary girl who definitely has been single all her life (unless you count a puppy love thing when I was like 13-years-old?). I love any romance story and dramas and movies, definitely (can we just spend a second on discussing how much I'm in love with To All Boys I've Loved Before?!). Alright, back to present life now.

The car stopped at the hospital lobby, I got off and waved goodbyes to my parents before running off to the lifts. I managed to squeeze into the lift that was packed with people as usual. I was secretly hoping that the lift would not put me into an awkward situation when the overloading beeping sounds because of me trying to fit into the clearly over-packed lift. Giving apologetic glances at the people whom my box accidentally brushed against or bumped on, I was relieved to find that the lift button to my floor was lit on. Great. 

Being a typical morning in the hospital, the lift stops at almost every single level. As I was the one standing right in front of the lift doors,  I had to get out of the lift or shift around to allow space for people to exit the lift. Being a clumsy human, I did the most embarrassing (as of today) thing by dropping my box when someone bumped into me while I was trying to not be an inconvenience. Oh shit, literally, since everything from the box was strewn on the lift floor. As I was frantically picking up the remnants from the ground, I noticed another pair of hands helping me. I looked up to thank whoever the kind soul was, and as my eyes trailed along those lean and strong arms, I stopped in my motion as I noticed a guy whose set of deep eyes were focusing on the floor. The scrubs that he wore, that belonged to medical students from my university, fitted him perfectly.

"All done," he smiled at me. I blinked a few times before stuttering back "Oh.... thank you. Thanks for helping me." When he smiled back in response, my breath got caught in my throat. Come on! Breathe now! Did I just forget how to breathe? Damn, I should make a conversation but how do I do it? I'm so bad at starting or continuing conversations man, I need to...... 

"So you're also heading to the 12th floor too?" the hot medicine guy asked, interrupting my self-contradicting thoughts. "Errr...erm yes," I stuttered, yet again. 

"I'm also heading to there too, so I could help you with that box if you would like?" 

"Oh yes, sure, please. Thank you so much if it doesn't trouble you."

"It's not a problem," he flashed me another of his mesmerising smiles. We got off when the lift stopped at the 12th floor and that was when it dawned upon me that we were the only ones left in the lift. Ha.ha.ha. Too absorbed in the scenario that I was unaware of my surroundings.

"So where should I go? I mean like put down these stuff?" 

"Oh here," I pointed to the playroom. "I'm a volunteer at this playroom and I happen to be organising an event for the kids today so this explains why I'm lugging all these," I continued as I tried to pry open the automatic doors to the playroom. Yes, I have to do this every single time as if I am trying to intrude illegally. Volunteers, like me, don't have access cards to open up so some of us found out of this method, or else we would have to be waiting outside for the staff to come, which we won't know when. 

"Wow. Hahaha you're strong." he commented, chuckling. 

"Well don't judge, I have no choice" I shrugged back. "You can just leave them on the table."

"Do you mind if I stay here for a while?"


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