8. No, I Love Him

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Nicholas' POV

"So what's the deal between you two?" Janice asked.

"Um, nothing?" I replied, trying to avoid her eyes. To be honest, I didn't really know what Grace and I are. This is probably the first time I felt such a way towards a girl. Sure, I have dated a few girls before, but I haven't felt this way. Never have I ever asked a girl out after meeting her for less than 30 mins, until Grace came along.

Realising that Janice didn't reply, I looked at her to find her staring at me, expecting more.

"So, you guys aren't dating?" she continued.

"I don't really know what we are, but I know I'm attracted to Grace. I'm hoping for something more than friends, I guess." 

A look quickly crossed her face, which I couldn't really tell what it was, before she looked away.  

Having been tutorial group mates for 3 years, spending countless nights mugging in the library with loads of coffee and rushing around the hospital together to draw bloods, I could safely say that Janice has spent almost 24/7 with me. She is a close friend of mine, that I am so comfortable with her around that I can even confide to her about anything. She is smart, pretty, hardworking and even supportive, but I don't know why she's still single till this day. I haven't seen her dating anyone in the 3 years that I've known her.

Unknowingly, we reached the lecture theatre. We settled down in the seats, getting ready for the five-hour long seminar.

Halfway through, they called for a short break. After stretching my arms and neck, I took out my phone from my pocket. The screen lit up with a notification.

Grace: "Hey :)"

I almost shot up from my seat in excitement and quickly unlocked my phone to reply her.

Me: "Hi"

Grace: "How's the seminar?"

Me: "It's so boring and my back is so sore. CAN'T WAIT FOR IT TO END."

Grace: "Hahaha. Poor you."

Janice's POV

As I was about to finish typing my notes on the laptop, I asked Nic "Wanna get a cup of coffee?". Only to be met with silence, I clicked on the "Save" button and turned my head to the right, to look at Nic. He was looking down at his phone, with a smile plastered on his face, eyes crinkling at the sides. He had such a beautiful smile, he always has. Wondering what he was so engrossed and amused by, I couldn't help but want to peek over at his phone. Being so close, we have access to each other's phone, and we never hide anything from each other. Except for one thing. He doesn't know that I like him, no, I love him. 

Grace. That is what is making him smile. He was texting her. Jealousy filled my blood instantly, pumping through everywhere. What was it about her that attracted Nic so much? I'm definitely prettier, smarter and more popular than her. She has only known him for less than a day, whereas I have been by Nic's side for 3 years. What is it that she has that I don't have? I don't get it. I'm not going to lose Nic to her.

Flashback to 3 years ago, when Janice first met Nicholas.

It was the first day of school. People were everywhere, students were chatting excitedly in small groups on the grass lawns. Her eyes shone in wonder as she took in the tall, modern buildings around her. She padded along the soft green carpet and finally reached the building that she was finding. As she was looking down at her phone to confirm that she was at the right block, she hadn't noticed that the huge glass door was swinging open towards her. Before she knew what was coming, her forehead met with a huge 'bang', sending her stumbling backwards. Closing her eyes and expecting herself to fall to the hard, concrete ground, she found herself crashing into someone's body. Warm hands wrapped around her torso securely, as she felt her back leaning against a hard, toned chest. Slowly, she opened her eyes and turned her head over. A pair of black eyes that were filled with concern, was looking back at hers. She never believed in "love at first sight" until that day, where she was locked safely in that guy's arms.

"Are you okay?" he asked her. His warm, deep voice that brought her back to reality, also pushed her deeper into the abyss of him. 

From an accident, they coincidentally turned into group mates and then friends. From Nic's point of view, they became better friends, but from her view, she only fell deeper in love with him.


Well, here's a little insight of Nic and Janice's friendship and how Janice feels about Nicholas. Hope you enjoyed it! :) Happy New Year, by the way!

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