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This chapter is dedicated to @sahywiee for being the first person to comment on my story. It means a whole lot. Because of you, I got the energy I needed to keep going and now, we have BDGOL. kisses 💋 💋


There was a new student in school the next day. I got to school and the guys were whispering about the supposed new student, about how well formed her ass is and about her boobs. I mentally rolled my eyes as I passed Caleb and his friends as he was gisting his friends.

'Guys, I'm not joking here oo. You have to see this ass. It's like Kim K's ass. Damn. There's going to be some serious knacking this session.'

I rolled my eyes and walked into the class. Michelle who was talking with her gang glared at me and the whole of her gang hissed at me. I smiled. What a joke? I saw the new girl later, some minutes before the assembly, she was asking Caleb something around the SS3 block. I doubt if the idiot heard a thing she said, his brain was around wrapped around her ass and breasts.

After the assembly, our class teacher, Miss Nwokeji came over to introduce the new student to us.

'Hi Guys. Good morning. Hope you're all fine. I'm sure you guys already know you have a new student with us. She'll come out now to introduce herself to us'

I was already bored with the whole thing. Can we just go to the part where our first teacher comes in or the part where today ends? The new girl walked to the front of the class, her buttocks rolling more than she did.

'Wo wo. Ukwu!!.'

Someone beside me said, it was Daniel and Uthman laughed at his words. Will these boys ever grow?

'Hello guys. Good morning. My name is is Keji Olawale. A transfer student from Melvicks High. I hope we all get along well. Thank you.' She said, flashing a smile.

'We'll get along well since you have all these ass and brezz.'

Caleb muttered behind me.

'So why do we have a new student in SS3? The last time I checked, Lakeview Academy doesn't admit students in their final year.'

That earned me glance from the new student, I could feel her assessing me, probably wondering who I was. I stared back, unfazed.

'Well, Jade. There'll always be clauses and commas for some people.'

Miss Nwokeji answered.

On what grounds? was on the tip of my tongue to ask but I suppressed it, feeling no need to drag this ordeal longer than usual. So I merely nodded at her. Keji walked back to her seat which was not far from mine. I groaned inside. Really! I don't want to have anything to do with this girl. Miss Nwokeji walked out of the class and Hana turned to look at me.


'Roger that' That was Akin. I smiled at the both of them.

The rest of the classes went by went quickly. The new girl kept staring at me. It was a glare or anything but she kept staring at me anyway. Then at one point during Civic Education class and Uthman answering a question in his usual cocky way and this girl kept staring at me and I realized then, that it wasn't me she was staring at, it was Uthman. It has been Uthman since morning. Wow. Now, that's something.

Then during lunch break, Keji walked up to Uthman who was almost on his way out.

'Hi, can you show me around please?

Laughter formed at the bottom on my stomach.

Uthman exchanged a knowing glance with Daniel. Hana pinched me. The whole class looked on. I was sure Michelle was boiling inside.

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