~Fourteen~ 2

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To love is to split open
                                                      Yours truly  




I can list a thousand reasons why I want to become a Medical Doctor. Heck! Even millions of reason

My dad owns the biggest hospital in our State, makes millions of Naira daily, sent me to one of the best and most expensive secondary schools, set up a trust fund worth millions of Naira for me, (a lot of people will be truly surprised to know how much I have in my trust fund), buys me everything I ever want or need. I've never lacked anything in my entire life so If I don't become a medical doctor, who'll take over my dad's company?

My mom never called me anything else when she was alive, she always called me her Doctor. She never wanted me to become something else. I owe it to her memory to become a Doctor.

Medicine is everything to me while Football is just one thing to me, a dream but dreams should be above everything else, or shouldn't they?

'That's the only thing that has ever mattered to me.'

I replied her and I expected her to leave it at that but she did, she probably wanted to get the 10 points by all means

' Why? Is this borne out of responsibility because your dad owns the biggest hospital in West Nigeria?'

She asked and I kept quiet. She was partly right and I hated that fact. I remained quiet and kept my gaze on the field. On the field, the only place I've ever felt truly happy. Dad once told me that it's such a waste of my brain to like something as inconsequential as football even though he knew how much it meant to me.

No' I finally answered, my gaze still on the field 'to become a medical doctor is not my dream. It's football, it's the field, it's playing that always make me yearn for more.'

Now, that's a secret no one knows about me, not even Daniel. They all think football is my favorite pastime while the medicine is my passion but it's the other way round. It felt good, tell someone this. I knew Jade and I will never have a cause to sit down and have a normal conversation again and I was sure this that I had told her, she'll never breathe it to someone else. At that moment, I turned to look at her, ready to tell her not to think much of what I said but she was looking at me in a way no one else has ever looked at me, there was something almost alluring about the way she was staring at me and subconsciously, I held her gaze. There was something about that moment, something almost terrific, almost electric, something that probably shouldn't be happening between the both of us

'Why are you staring? You like what you see?'

Her face dissolved into a scowl and my subconscious shouted hallelujah inwardly. This is more like normal.

'well, that's that about that. Should we talk about yours before the first period on Monday morning? I have a game to get back to.'

She nodded and I started walking away. Akin and Daniel were waiting for me in the classroom.

I hope that fleeting moment was imagined.

I knew it was not.


The next day was Fola's birthday. I wasn't going to attend because heck, I missed Michelle's birthday party and I should not be attending the birthday party of someone she doesn't like but then, Daniel was going, more than half of the class was going, so what's the fun in not going for me. Nothing!

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