Twenty Three

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Zee's room was locked when I got home. That's absurd because Zee rarely locks her door. Maybe she went out. I thought as I made it to leave her room, then I heard a sob from her room. I knocked louder.

'Zee, are you inside?'

No answer

'Zee! Zee!! Zee!!!'

I was only answered by silence. I turned to see Saheed entering his room. I followed him inside.

'What's wrong with Zee?'

I asked him immediately we were inside his room. He heaved a sigh and sat on his bed.

'Our parents told her the truth'

I staggered a little.

'What truth?'

My voice shook as I asked.

'The strange woman that came was right. She's Zee's mother'

I staggered and stumbled. Saheed grabbed me before I hit the floor. My eyes were blurry for a while and he took me to his bed.

'That can't be true' I said, shaking my head. 'No No No. That's a lie. What kind of ridiculous trick are you guys pulling?'

Saheed kept staring at me, his brows furrowed.

'It's the truth, Jade. I've always known.'

No-no-no. This can't be true. I need to leave. I can't stay in this room a minute longer than this. I feel suffocated. How can Zee not be my elder sister? We looked alike. We have the same nose. We grew up together. I don't remember any moment of my life without Zee. I stood up to leave the room. I turned the doorknob and made it go out, my eyes became blurry and the room started spinning in front of my eyes. I fell into Saheed's hands as everything blacked out.

When I came to, I was on my bed. I immediately attempted to stand but my head hurt like crazy.

'Take it easy' Saheed said, giving me a cup of water and pain relief. I did not collect it.

'Where is Zee? I need to see her.'

I attempted to stand up again but he pulled me back.

'Just listen to me okay. Zee doesn't want to see anybody right now.'

I'm not anybody though.

'What of mom and dad? They should come and explain what all this is about.'

'They've gone to the hospital. Mom's blood pressure increased. She......'

I blocked out whatever it is he was going to say by my cries. I did not remember the last time I cried, maybe when Grandma died. I continued sobbing and Saheed gathered me in his arms and started consoling me.

This can't be true. This must be a dream. I want to badly wake up from this dream. I can't breathe like this, I can't live like this. Oh, God.

Saheed forced me to take the pain reliever and a sleep inducer.

I should have slept peacefully but I kept dreaming, about my childhood days with Zee, about everything about us.

Oh God!!!

I can't handle this.


I keep slipping in and out of consciousness. When I came to, it was almost noon the next day and my whole body hurts. I stood up gingerly from my bed, my head hurting like a group of angry players were throwing bats around in it. I opened my door and stepped out. I noticed Zee's room was opened so I entered quickly. It took me a minute to realize that she was lying on her bed. She looked so frail and small and my heart cut staring at her helpless figure on the bed.

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