Chapter 20 - Attention Whore

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*Four Days later*

*Harry's Point Of View*

"Can I use your laptop?" Beth asked.

"Yeah, why?" I replied as I handed it to her.

"I need to check my Facebook," she shrugged.

"No." I attempted to pull the computer away from her, but it didn't work.

"Oh, hush." She brushed me off.

"You know that there probably won't be anything positive on there," I said as I threw the fast food wrappers away. I'd gone out to get her food because the hospital food sucked.

"I don't care," Beth rolled her eyes as she typed in her password.

"Suit yourself," I muttered as I sat down again next to her bed.

"Come sit next to me," She slid over and patted the space beside her.

I did as I was told and wedged myself inbetween her and the gaurd rails on her hospital bed.

"I have twenty five notifications!" She exclaimed.

"You were asleep for three weeks, after all." I laughed.

"I have a wall post from Kyle Merlot," She murmered, looking at her computer screen.

I recognized the name, but couldn't think of who it was.

"I bet you only did it to get attention. I hope you try to kill yourself again and it works. Fuck you, attention whore." It read.

That's when it hit me: It was the kid from the playground

Beth's hand flew to her mouth.

I pulled her into an embrace as she choked out sobs. I shushed her and whispered soothing things to her as I stroked her hair.

How could people be so cruel?

Didn't they know that she was so fragile right now?

Didn't they know that they caused this?

I took my computer away from her and scrolled through her notifications, finding that most of them were things saying 'go drink some bleach' or, 'i hope it works next time'.

I went to the 'chat' box and saw that this Kyle kid was online and typed this message:

Hi, Kyle, this is Harry Styles. I think we met before at the playground. I just wanted to say that you and your wall post are completely pathetic. That's like kicking someone when they're down and calling it a victory: downright WRONG. Bethany is so fragile right now. She almost DIED. That's right, DIED. As in she killed herself because of you and your stupid friends. I hope you feel like shit right now. I hope you're crying as you read this. Because Beth was crying when she read your wall post. I can't wait to see you again in person. Sincerely, Harry.

"W-What are you doing?" Beth looked up and saw what I wrote. "Harry! They'll all hate me now!"

"It needed to be said. And they won't hate you. They'll hate me." I shrugged.

"What if this gets leaked? What will your fans say? What will the media say?" She exclaimed.

"My fans will tear him apart... literally. And I don't care what the media thinks about me," I said non chalantly.

"Please, please promise me you aren't actually going to the police about this," She pleaded.

"No." I said.

"Harry, I don't want this to be a bigger deal than it has to be." Beth whined.

"It has to be a big deal, or else these kids will never learn their lesson and leave you alone!" I retorted.

"You know what?" Beth scooted away from me.

"What?" I asked, standing up.

"Do whatever the hell you want and leave me alone." Beth turned away from me.

"Fine." I got up and headed for the door.

"Thank you," I heard her whisper.

I turned around and looked at her. "You're welcome."

"I'm sorry for yelling at you," Beth patted the space beside her once again.

"It's okay," I said as I said down and pulled her into my chest.

She looked up and kissed me softly on the lips.

I returned the favor, but harder. Her lips were soft, and so was her skin.

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