Chapter 5: Reunion

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Shuichi was in his bed, slouched beneath the covers. Kokichi was somewhere, maybe watching TV, or writing in his prank book or something, he never could be sure. He was quiet.

Although he had decided to call back in the morning, Shuichi thought he'd give it another shot and so he dialed his uncle's number and hoped for the best. It was time to break the news.

And as if his uncle knew what he was thinking, he picked up.
"Hello." he said.
Shuichi smiled bitterly, trying to steady his nerves. "Hey? It's Shuichi, you weren't at the office today."
"I know, I was away on business unfortunately. Ruined my Tuesday..."
The old man groaned. "Worse; your parents. Sat and bombarded me with questions left and right, they did. How is Shuichi? Does he have a job? Where does he work? How much is he earning? Does he have a girlfriend yet? All that blabber. They want to see you."
Shuichi heart almost stopped. "Why?"
"Beats me, boy. They're your parents."
"Yeah, but still!"
"I know you don't like 'em but there's no point in arguing - if they want something they'll get it."
"Well they never wanted me." mumbled Shuichi under his breath. If his uncle heard it he'd probably hang up - he was still related to his father, after all.
Luckily enough for Shuichi, his uncle didn't catch a word of his protest. "So to what do I owe the pleasure of this call?"
"It's about a case I'm working on with Kyoko," he began.
"Go on."
"We have a lead, a potentially big one at the moment, so we have to investigate it."
"Yes, naturally that's how a crime is solved," his uncle said. "Is there something you need from me?"
"Kind of..." Shuichi took a breath. Here it came. "I'm going to be out of the country for a couple of weeks - we're going to an island." Though he was wise enough not to specify which island.
"Hold on a minute! Going abroad? Just what sort of mission are you on?" he snapped. His voice was elevated like subdued thunder. That was what Shuichi was afraid of.
Of course he wouldn't give exact details; his own agency wasn't involved so there was no reason to go sharing classified information. "We're investigating an attempted murder we witnessed, to say the least. The victim happened to recognise his attacker so we need to search for them."
There was silence for a minute.
Shuichi was concerned. "Hello?"
"I said no. You're not going on an investigation like that. Especially not on a case issued by 6-7, that witch of a woman. Not a chance."
"Why not? I'll be with Kyoko," And it's none of your business either!
"It's too dangerous Shuichi. Missions here in this country are a completely different thing. I have already made it clear that you're not going."

Dangerous? Shuichi almost scoffed at his underestimation. He had quite literally saved the world from ending and prevented the entire human population from becoming slaves to an unstable hostage. He and Kokichi had risked their lives in the process. However, no one knew about their heroics; if anyone found out they'd be in a lot more trouble than they'd bargained for. It frustrated him sometimes that no one would ever credit him for his outstanding detective work in solving two unsolvable crimes, but he supposed that was what it meant to be a hero.

"But it's important!" He was running thin on arguments.
"Kyoko can handle it. A great detective like you is needed here. It is absolutely essential you stay on dry land."
Shuichi didn't respond. In fact, he wasn't even given the opportunity to.
"Do you understand me? If you dare go against my wishes I'll have no choice but to suspend you from field work until for foreseeable future. Am I clear?"
No. "Yes."
"Good." His voice grew softer, less authoritative. "When does your boat leave for the island?"
"Tomorrow morning." Shuichi lied.
"Very well. I'll arrange for your parents to drop by your apartment in the morning. Be on your best behaviour and don't let me down."

Without another syllable, he hung up.

Shuichi could only stare at the window at the end of his bed as he sunk lower into the sheets. He was a dead man. A dead man who was bound to lose his job. He pulled the blanket over his head as if it would protect him from the shame. What was he meant to do? He couldn't give up the case. And what was that about 6-7? Did his uncle and Kyoko's boss have some friction in their history? Perhaps there was more to this situation than meets the eye.

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