Chapter 8: Abigail

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When they found their room, Shuichi and Kokichi weren't at all hesitant to plonk their suitcases down on the floor and slide them under their chosen beds.

The room was a lot smaller than they anticipated considering the boat looked so much bigger from the outside, but it was still cosy regardless. A little window between the beds revealed the outside world. The bottom half of it delved beneath the surface of the water. It was fascinating to look at; Shuichi found himself mesmerised by the way it sloshed against the glass so effortlessly.

Kokichi threw himself onto one of the beds and wriggled himself into the white sheets, humming comfortably as he did so. "Mmm... These beds are way comfier than I expected!" he declared, snuggling into the duvet as if he were preparing to nap.

"What were you expecting?" Shuichi sat down on the edge of the bed beside him. "Ah, they are pretty nice."

"Y'know those concrete slabs suspended from the walls that you find in dungeons and stuff? Or something like that." he said, "I don't particularly wanna sleep on one of those again. You can't even jump on them! They have no springs!"

Shuichi raised a brow. "What do you mean again?"

Kokichi stretched and repositioned himself so his hands were behind his head, bare arms contrasting greatly against the maroon pillow. "Oh, you know how it is. I'm an adventurous one. I get up to allll sorts of mischief! Someone had to punish me for my evil-doing, y'know."

"That's true," Shuichi smiled, "maybe I should turn you in for your past felonies after all..."

Kokichi shot up. "Noo, I'm a changed man! I fight evil!" He threw some punches at the air to emphasise. "Pow pow! See? Do you know what they do with cute guys like me? I'm too innocent to go to jail!"

Shuichi rolled his eyes. "Really? There is nothing innocent about you, believe me."

He gasped, fully feigning offence. "I can't believe you would ever accuse me of true." He wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's neck and pulled him on top of him.

Shuichi caught himself before he fell flat onto Kokichi, his hands planted at either side of his head. "We both know it's no secret."

"Correct again, detective," he purred, "God, you're so intelligent."

"Is it really intelligence or simply stating the obvious?"

"Who cares? Doesn't change the fact that I find it insanely hot."

"I'm just doing my job," Shuichi winked and leant down to lock lips with the boy with the devilish grin.

But it didn't last long at all.

"Hey! Pull your pants up and get out. We're all waiting in the dining room for you two." Maki demanded. Her voice was strangely unmuffled through the door. "We can hear absolutely everything you guys are saying."

"Ah, sorry!" Shuichi called, quickly untangling himself from Kokichi's hold.

"Yeah, whatever. Just hurry up. The dining room is down the hallway to the left, you can't miss it. Everyone is waiting. We'll meet you there." she said before walking away, her heels clacking on the wood.

Shuichi's face flushed. So the walls were paper thin. That was...good to know.

Kokichi burst into a fit of laughter as he hopped up from the bed. "Shu! I've never seen you move so fast!"

"Shut up! It's not funny," he mumbled. He was so ashamed that someone had actually heard them, and Maki at that. He planted his head in his hands. "We probably should go before she tells anyone what she thinks we were up to."

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